2023-10-19 01:39:55
Brigadeiro Gourmet has become an icon of Brazilian cuisine and must be the most known (and recognized) recipe among foreigners, following all, everyone who tries this “little ball of joy” never forgets it. So be sure that the conversation here is regarding the national passion: The Brigadeiro!
The story
Legend has it that during the Second World War, Brazil was lacking many ingredients used in the country’s kitchens, but condensed milk and cocoa powder for some reason were not in short supply.
Interestingly, at that time, Brigadier Eduardo Gomes, a very important Brazilian politician and military officer at the time, left his military career and ran for president of Brazil as a civilian and his campaign was very popular.
It was so popular that, in support of Eduardo Gomes’ candidacy, the wives of his voters began to make and sell a sweet made with condensed milk, chocolate powder, butter and sprinkles that soon took the name “brigadeiro” as a kind of tribute to the candidate.
Traditional Recipe
The brigadeiro is a very easy recipe to make, such simplicity opens many doors for those newly introduced to the gastronomic arts, so children and teenagers, as long as they are under the supervision of an adult, can easily make wonderful brigadeiros.
It’s a very simple recipe that only requires a few ingredients that are easily found at home:
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- Sprinkles (for topping)
Way of doing
- Mix the condensed milk, chocolate powder and butter.
- Cook over low heat, stirring constantly (but be aware that this is the trick), until the mixture comes away from the bottom of the pan.
- Let the mixture cool for a few minutes (so pay close attention to the temperature to avoid burning yourself).
Here there is a finishing option. You can eat with a spoon once it has completely cooled or if you prefer to roll it, follow the next steps:
- With lightly buttered hands, roll the dough into balls of the size you want (but for reference, regarding the size of a grape).
- Roll the balls into the sprinkles.
- Place the brigadeiros in paper cups and it’s ready!

As I said, you can serve your brigadeiro in several ways, the options are always good and it just depends on your creativity:
- Spoon brigadeiro: A creamier version of brigadeiro, ideal for eating with a spoon.
- Cup brigadeiro: Served in small cups, often with layers of cake and cream.
- Brigadeiro Gourmet: Gourmet versions with sophisticated ingredients, such as pistachios, dulce de leche, and even alcohol, such as brandy.
My Gourmet Brigadeiro Recipe
One of the things I’m most proud of is when someone writes to me saying they’ve done something revenue from the blog to sell! Wow, how cool is it to know that the blog is really useful for people, I’m REALLY happy!!!! And along these lines, lately I have received some requests from people wanting to do gourmet brigadeiro for sale. I’ve already made a previous post, but I’m going to use the images to better organize the subject here.
Make and Sell
The big difference between a gourmet brigadeiro and a traditional one are the ingredients used. In gourmet brigadeiro you expect more noble ingredients. Good chocolate, good condensed milk, and a dose of creativity. It’s simple:

Mix well off the heat 1 tablespoon of finely ground wheat flour with 3 tablespoons of whey-free cream. It won’t have a “mealy” taste or texture, trust me. This process serves to “remove” the tanginess of the brigadeiro, which is uncomfortable when eating, especially if it is to be sold. I know there are people who think it looks bad, but trust me, most famous brigaderias use this trick.
Gourmet Brigadeiro Ingredients:
1 can of condensed milk.
1 tablespoon full of cocoa powder (it’s not chocolatey, guys?).
3 tablespoons of milk chocolate drops (or tablets).
It’s important to use the best chocolate you can find (I used Belgian Callebaut).

Way of doing
Now put it on low heat and stir constantly. After it boils, keep it on the fire, stirring for another 10 minutes, until it thickens well. So remember that it is important to use a thick pan, it will help a lot!
Transfer the dough to a plate and let it cool, then keep it in the fridge for 4 hours until it rolls.
Gourmet White Brigadeiro
To make the White Brigadeiro, you will not use cocoa powder
and will swap the dark chocolate for white.
As white chocolate is greasier, there is a tendency for the “dough” to become softer, so to solve this problem just add an egg yolk at the beginning of the recipe, along with the flour and cream and then just continue the same way. form.

How to flavor brigadeiro.
With these two basic doughs (black and white) you can make different flavors just by changing the ingredient that will “bread” the brigadeiro. Some examples for breading:
- Ground chestnuts;
- Chocolate shavings;
- Paçoca or crushed peanuts;
- Very small pieces of dried fruit (apricots, figs, etc.)
You can add a filling to your brigadeiro, like a cherry, for example, but be careful because using fruit reduces its durability and can release liquid.
To flavor the pasta, many people use artificial essences, which is the most viable option, and they often use a little coloring. For example, green dye and pistachio essence in the white dough. Then “dip” in ground pistachios to obviously make pistachio brigadeiro. But it’s up to you to use more natural ingredients, the problem with them is that it reduces durability. But you can use, for example, lemon and orange zest, etc.
* I don’t sell brigadeiros and therefore I don’t have more detailed information such as durability and exact quantities to flavor, but I believe that with the basic recipes you can achieve good results.
If you’ve come this far and liked the post, leave your comment, follow us on social media, around here we love brigadeiro so I advise you to do a search here on the blog to see how much news we still have on the topic.
If you make any of the recipes you saw here, tag us and I’ll be happy to help.
Hope this helps!
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