Google Trends: Goodbye to Email Subscriptions on Trends from October 2024 – SmartWorld

Google offers a huge range of apps and services for many types of devices, not just smartphones (by the way, here is the collection of best android smartphones of the moment). Google Trends is certainly among these, and we are talking about it again because Google has announced that stop email notifications (we also remind you how to use Apple’s Hide My Email) on trends.

The news just announced by Google will involve all those who were counting on Google Trends for stay up to date on the trends of the moment. Let’s see what will happen and when.

In the last few hours Google has been warning all users of Trends, its service that allows you to consult and keep track of the current trend on the web in terms of searches carried out, regarding the novelty it is about to introduce.

Specifically, starting from October 29, 2024 it will no longer be possible to receive Email notifications regarding the current trends recorded by Google Trends.

Likewise, it will no longer be possible create new alerts to receive email updates on trends.

In other words, Google is about to close one of the most interesting features of Google Trends. This allowed users to choose a topic to monitor and then receive email updates on search trends over a specific period of time. A useful feature to have automatic updates on trends in specific topics on the web, without having to remember to monitor their progress by accessing Trends.

From October this will no longer be possible. There are anyway other methods to stay up to date on trends, as Google itself illustrates:

  • Homepage Newsletter: that is, you just need to access the Google Trends home page to sign up for the service’s daily newsletter and receive the latest trends directly via email.

  • Feed RSS: just subscribe to the RSS feed to receive real-time updates on trending topics.

In short, change mode to stay updated but Google Trends, if you were a regular user, It won’t leave you completely high and dry. It will certainly be necessary to get used to the new solutions that Google has left available.

If you are among those who are regular users of Trends email alerts, you can download a copy of all your registrations by accessing this link. It may be necessary log in via your Google account to proceed.

If you are a user who is not yet an expert in the field of email management, below you can find a series of interesting guides to delve deeper into the topic:



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