Google Pixel 9 Pro has given me a very special view of my city | Technology – LOS40

We talked about the Pixel 9 Pro XL a few weeks ago and we only had good words to say about the latest from Google. These past few weeks I’ve had the privilege of carrying a Pixel 9 Pro in my pocket, all the power of the XL in a slightly more compact format, for those who want to be comfortable with their phone in their pocket and especially for people with small hands.

I have not had any complaints with the terminal; a scandalous screen, absolute fluidity in navigation, the best cameras on the market and a battery that has given me many, many hours of screen on. Now, what has taken up most of my time in the last few days is Generative AI featuresspecifically the ability to “reimaginarscenesI’ve found myself looking for corners of the city on walks, already thinking about what I could ask Google to do with them.

As always, good ideas never come alone and these are the scenes that my Pixel 9 Pro and I have created.

With my Pixel 9 Pro I have created a Post-apocalyptic scenario at the gates of ‘Lefties’in the center of Valencia.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


I have seen Colon Street covered by a very rough river.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


We have put A tiger strolling through a Colón market awash.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


I have discovered lava under the pavement of a shopping street quiet part of the city.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


My Pixel 9 Pro has put a statue from the past of unknown origin above the entrance to a metro stop in the city centre.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


Stormy skies that you can’t photograph when they actually happen.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


Gundam has visited Valencia.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


And I have turned my neighborhood into an area devastated and covered by poverty.

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine

Google Pixel 9 Pro IA Re-imagine


I’ve had a lot of fun with this feature on the Pixel 9 Pro. It’s become addictive, and I hope that the need to reimagine scenarios gradually diminishes, otherwise I’ll have a serious performance problem in life.

I must say that There have been certain requests that Google has rejectedFor some reason the AI ​​has never wanted to create “huge holes” in the ground, or fill my hand with bugs, or put holes in it (now that I’m writing this, I’m worried about how my mind works).

On the other hand, the quality of the assemblies obtained and the ease with which they come out, make me wonder How far can we go?I am really curious to see what the world will be like in five years, how these types of functions will have been implemented and to what extent they will have taken over our lives, professions or information in the media.



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