goods worth 89.13 million DA during the first 20 days of Ramadhan

ALGIERS- During the first 20 days of the month of Ramadan, the control services under the Ministry of Trade and Export Promotion seized 1,690 tons of non-compliant and unfit for consumption goods, worth of 89.13 million DA, according to a report from the ministry.

Within the framework of quality control and commercial activities and the repression of fraud, the Ministry’s control services carried out, during the period from March 23 to April 11, 120,425 interventions which made it possible to note 20,523 offenses and to establish 19,921 records of legal proceedings.

The report shows seizures estimated at 100.23 million DA and 6,248.6 million DA for non-invoicing, 977 samples taken (496 microbiological and 481 physicochemical), and the proposed administrative closure of 887 businesses. .

This assessment, adds the ministry, is spread over a number of areas of intervention consisting of quality control and commercial practices and the repression of fraud.

Regarding quality control and the repression of fraud, 55,363 interventions were carried out, which gave rise to the observation of 8,408 offenses and the establishment of 7,736 reports of legal proceedings with the proposal for the administrative closure of 271 shops.

These interventions also made it possible to seize 1,690 tons of non-compliant and unfit for consumption goods worth 89.13 million DA.

In addition, non-compliant and unfit for consumption goods have been transferred to public utility centers, specifies the same source.

As for non-compliant meat, it was directed to stray dog ​​kennels, animal shelters and dog training centers, as well as zoos, the source adds.

With regard to the nature of the offenses recorded, these include in particular the lack of hygiene and sanitation (3,908 offences, or 46%), the sale of products unfit for consumption (1,316 offences, or 16%), lack of self-checking (1,002 offences, i.e. 12%), non-compliance with the cold chain (737 offences, i.e. 9%), lack of labeling (376 offences, i.e. 5%), sale non-compliant products (292 violations, or 3%) and 777 miscellaneous violations (9%).

In terms of control of commercial practices, the report shows 65,062 interventions which made it possible to note 12,356 infringements, to draw up 12,185 reports of legal proceedings and to propose the closure of 616 commercial premises.

These interventions revealed a total amount of 6,248.5 million DA of commercial transactions without invoices and gave rise to the seizure of goods worth 11.10 million DA.

With regard to the nature of the infringements recorded, the same source cited the failure to display prices and tariffs (6,898 infringements, i.e. 56%), the sale without invoicing (982 infringements, i.e. 8%), the failure to registration in the trade register (557 offences, i.e. 4%), opposition to control officers (309 offences, i.e. 2%), non-modification of data in the trade register (117 offenses, i.e. 1%), the practice illicit prices (87 offences, or 1%) and 3,406 miscellaneous offenses (28%).



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