Goodbye to yellowing of the teeth .. 4 home remedies that give you bright whiteness

the teeth Yellow is not good for your health Deep and surface stains, in addition to other factors that cannot always be controlled, can cause teeth to turn yellow. Show your smile or laugh out loud because of this mouth problem, here’s how to get rid of yellowing teeth, according to what was published by the site “healthshots“.

Causes of yellowing teeth:

1. plaque deposits

2. Daily consumption of tea, coffee and other types of beverages such as soda

3. Not following proper dental hygiene

4. As you get older, the enamel wears away from chewing and exposure to acids from food and drink.

5. Breathing through the mouth

6. Certain foods such as blueberries, cherries, beets, and pomegranates

7. some medicine

8. sugary drinks

9. Smoking makes enamel yellow with age

4 home remedies to get rid of yellowing teeth

1. Brushing teeth with baking soda

Baking soda “Sodium Carbonate” is one of the best and most easy natural solutions for teeth whitening, it enhances teeth whitening capabilities and reduces discoloration, mix baking soda with alum powder in equal proportions, now brush your teeth gently with this formula, then rinse Repeat this procedure twice in week when you brush your teeth, you can also use toothpaste with baking soda.

2. Peel the fruit

Fruits can also do wonders for the health of your teeth. It is said that putting banana peel, lemon, orange and strawberry paste on your teeth will make them whiter and stronger. You can use lemon in two different ways to clean your teeth with peel or juice. These fruits are known to restore the natural pH balance in the mouth. Use This method is repeated.

3. Coconut oil

Edible oil treatment is natural, safe, and has no negative effects. According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Hygiene, it can be considered a preventative home care practice to maintain oral hygiene. This technique can help you detoxify your body and whiten and brighten your teeth, all That’s thanks to the lauric acid, which helps reduce inflammation and kills bacteria, in coconut oil.

4. Basil

Mix dried and mixed basil leaves with mustard oil and then use the mixture to rub your teeth. A 2014 study indicated that a mouthwash with holy basil has an antibacterial effect and is effective against bacterial strains that cause plaque, published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry.

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