Temperature, probability of rain, cloudiness and ultraviolet rays are some of the data you should know before leaving home. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)
The type of climate that exists in a certain region is determined by different conditions, among which are altitude, latitude, orientation of the relief, distance from the sea and sea currents, giving guidelines to the so-called “meteorological time” which in turn is based in other elements such as temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation to describe the atmospheric conditions in a territory in the short term.
To catalog the climate, the system developed by Wladimir Köppen is generally used, although there is also the Thornthwaite system, the latter which also takes into account biological diversity and the effects of climate change on it. Others such as Bergeron and Spacial Synoptic focus on the origin of the air masses that define the climate of a region.
Due to climate change, the planet is currently in a redistribution process in which some modification, however minimal, in the average annual temperature causes changes in habitats and their conditions.
In this context, here we leave you the weather for Guadalajara this Friday.
The probability of rain for this Friday in Guadalajara is 67% during the day and 66% at night.
Meanwhile, cloudiness will be 100% during the day and 99% during the night.
As for the temperature, a maximum of 21 degrees and a minimum of 16 degrees is forecast in this region. UV rays are expected to reach a level of up to 3.
While wind gusts will reach 32 kilometers per hour during the day and 20 kilometers per hour at night.
Climate prediction in Guadalajara (Illustrative image Infobae)
One of the most important capitals of Mexico, Guadalajara, enjoys a temperate subhumid subtropical climate that is also very marked in two main seasons basically differentiated by humidity or dry climate.
During spring the climate is drier and warmer, but May and June are the hottest months in said metropolis, with temperatures around maximums of 35 degrees and minimums of 13 degrees.
The precipitation season is present during the summer (June to October), when thunderstorms, strong winds and hailstorms are generally recorded, causing the thermometer to drop to a temperature of 26.5 degrees. July is the rainiest month and the one with the greatest number of cloudy days.
By autumn the rains decrease and although there are sunny days, the winds are cold. In winter the thermometer averages 5 degrees with occasional frosts.
As for historical records, the maximum temperature was recorded on May 6, 1994 when the thermometer rose to 38.7 degrees; while the lowest was recorded on December 14, 1997, when it dropped to -7.0 degrees, which resulted in the second fall of snow in the city since the first that occurred on February 8, 1881.
The capital of Jalisco can be divided into two very distinct seasons: humidity or dry climate. (darkroom)
Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, because due to its geographical location that makes it a recipient of a great variety of climates, it has become home to 12% of the world’s species (12,000 of which are endemic).
The country is located in two completely different areas as it is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer: on the one hand there is the tropical zone and on the other with a temperate climate, however, these are intermingled by the oceans and reliefs that surround Mexico giving origin to more times.
Given this, it is not surprising to find that in the highest parts of Chihuahua temperatures range from -30 degrees, while in the Mexicali desert the thermometer reaches up to 50 degrees.
The country has a warm rainy zone that includes the low coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific; warm-humid and warm sub-humid regions that can be found in the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the north of Chiapas and in the Yucatan Peninsula; dry climate in the Sierra Madre Occidental and Oriental, the upper basins of the Balsas and Papaloapan rivers, parts of the isthmus of Tehuantepec, Yucatán and Chiapas; temperate zones, mostly the territory north of the Tropic of Cancer; and semi-desert, north of the Altiplano.
The average temperature in the country is 19 degrees, however, there are cities such as Mexicali, Culiacán, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Torreón, Saltillo or Monterrey where high temperatures are truly extreme.
When talking about the record maximum and minimum temperatures in Mexico, San Luis Río Colorado, a city located in Sonora but bordering the Great Altar Desert of Baja California, rose to 58.5 degrees on July 6, 1966; In contrast, the minimum temperature was recorded on December 27, 1997 in the municipality of Madero in Chihuahua, with -25 degrees.
Experts assure that due to climate change Mexico will suffer in the future a reduction in annual rainfall and a considerable increase in temperatures; In addition, there have been major impacts on farmers and ranchers due to droughts or severe floods in recent years; while in hot times there has been an increase in the number of environmental contingencies in the main cities such as CDMX or Monterrey.