Good news in sight for the nationals of Ziguinchor

2023-07-16 10:00:10

Prime Minister Amadou Bâ met with Casamance executives to discuss the possibility of resuming the rotation of the three boats that provided the Dakar-Ziguinchor-Dakar link, as well as the Dakar Dem Dikk line.

After having listened carefully to the members of the collective of executives from Casamance (CCC), Prime Minister Amadou Bâ made them understand that the liaisons will resume soon, without specifying the exact date, reports Dakaractu.

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Before this meeting, the collective had planned to meet the press in order to express their concerns regarding the interruptions which continue to cause inconvenience to travelers, in particular because of the price of plane tickets which is not accessible to all, the increase in tariffs for “timetables” and sometimes for bus stations.

It should be recalled that the State decided regarding a month ago to suspend the Dakar-Ziguinchor-Dakar service due to acts of vandalism and violence affecting the vehicles of the national public transport company.

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#Good #news #sight #nationals #Ziguinchor

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