good news for the unemployed, an exceptional bonus is coming! – Tuxboard

Pôle Emploi applicants will be thrilled. Indeed, an exceptional bonus will be paid according to certain criteria.

Inflation hurts the wallet of many French people. And it is not job seekers who will say the opposite. Those who receive Pôle emploi will be happy to learn that a bonus will be awarded to them.

Pôle Emploi significant support for job seekers

In 2023, job seekers will not be set aside by Pôle emploi. Although the unemployment rate is the lowest in several years, this does not mean that the organization does not bend over backwards to help those looking for work.

According to the latest figures from Insee and Pôle Emploi, the number of unemployed people is down slightly by 0.1 point compared to the previous quarter. And by 0.3 points over one year. According to the presidential party, this unemployment rate would be the lowest that France has known for 40 years.

Good news shared by the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, on social networks. “Unemployment rate hits 40-year low once reached in early 2008”he said.

The Prime Minister for her part, also cited Pôle Emploi in a cheerful tweet a few days ago. “With an unemployment rate of 7.2%, France is experiencing its lowest level of unemployment for the second time in 40 years”she tweeted.

Job seekers in heaven

With the inflation that France is experiencing, unemployment benefits have therefore been revised upwards. Indeed, to alleviate the economic crisis, the government demanded an increase in social assistance.

And this request was voted and accepted by the National Assembly. Thus, family allowances, APL, AAH but also unemployment benefits from Pôle Emploi will increase.

This month, the latter have thus undergone a revaluation of 1.9%. Since April 1, 2023, all social benefits have been subject to an increase.

Pôle Emploi has also specified that this year, there have been two increases in unemployment benefit. This exceptional measure is intended to be supplemented by that which will take place on July 1.

And since good news never comes alone, know that New Aquitaine has just set up financial aid to encourage job seekers in the region to train for shortage occupations.

An exceptional allowance from Pôle Emploi

On Wednesday April 5, Alain Rousset, the President of the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and Michel Yahiel, director of social policies at Caisse des dépôts, announced good news. And it concerns those who touch Pôle Emploi.

The latter have signed a contribution to the personal training account (CPF). This means that New Aquitaine has released an envelope of two million euros over two years. This money will be subject to an additional payment of the CPF of certain job seekers in the region.

Since January 2019, holders of a CPF no longer accumulate training hours but euros in their account. The latter wants to be credited with 500 euros each year, up to a limit of 5,000 euros. The region will therefore boost the amount paid into the CPF for people who receive the Pôle Emploi.

The Capital media specifies that 200 unemployed people are therefore part of this system. The proposed contribution will make it possible to “complete the financing of the training followed, following deduction of the sum available on the account of the holders, within the limit of 80% of the cost of the apprenticeship”specify our colleagues.



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