Good news for seniors: Highest pension plus for years | money

Pensions rose last year more than they have in years.

On average there was 63 euros more net for the seniors!

► According to the first statistics of the German pension insurance for the year 2022, the average pension paid increased from 1089 to 1152 euros from July. Men received an average of 1,276 euros and thus 68 euros more, women 1,060 (+59) euros.

These figures include all pension benefits, i.e. old-age pensions, disability and widow’s pensions.

The average net widow’s pension rose from 512 to 540 euros (+28 euros), the widower’s pension from 374 to 396 euros (+22 euros).

► Last year saw the highest net increase for seniors in many years. In 2013, the average pension was still 855 euros. Since then, retirement benefits have risen by an average of 34.7 percent.

The main reasons for the sharp increase were the sharp increase in pensions as of July 1 of 5.35 percent in the west and 6.12 percent in the east, improvements for disability pensioners and the introduction of the basic pension.

Striking: The number of multiple pensioners (receive a widow’s/widower’s pension in addition to their own pension) fell for the first time last year – by almost 10,000 to 4.117 million people.

Possible Cause: the many deaths among seniors due to the corona pandemic. On average, men who also receive a widower’s pension received EUR 1717 (+89) net. Women with their own pension and widow’s pension received a monthly payment of 1573 (+84) euros.

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