good accounts will make good friends! – Senate

2023-06-28 22:00:00

The summary

Pursuant to Article 6 bis of the Senate rules, the European Democratic and Social Rally (RDSE) group has requested the creation of an information mission on the impact of the State’s regulatory and budgetary decisions on the financial balance of local authorities.

Many decisions by the State, whether of a budgetary or regulatory nature, place local authorities, and in particular the smallest of them, in a situation that is difficult to sustain financially, which accentuates the feeling of discouragement among local elected officials. Some elected officials also consider that they have become “auxiliaries” or “operators” of the State and that they find themselves de facto deprived of leeway to conduct the local public policies for which they were elected.

These budgetary standards and decisions, which are increasingly abundant and complex, also place elected officials in the face of paradoxical injunctions that are impossible to reconcile.

They also generate significant additional costs and a lack of medium- and long-term visibility on the revenue and expenditure of local authorities, which must then constantly adapt to an unstable regulatory, budgetary and fiscal environment.

The result is a loss of the bond of trust between local elected representatives and the State, which it is essential to re-establish through systematic consultation of elected representatives on decisions concerning local authorities.

Only a strong political will will make it possible to give elected officials back the “power to act”. This is the meaning of the 10 recommendations formulated by the report.

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