2023-11-21 11:40:45

Our financial columnist, having received a nice sum this summer, set out in search of the right investment. Narrative.

This summer, I received a tidy sum, after organizing a particularly popular concert. So I found myself asking myself THE question: “What to do with this money?” “. (In other words, “how can we not waste everything in ten days?”).

Initially, I thought about investing in cryptocurrencies, these currencies which are not governed by the banking system can be attractive. But the “crypto winter” that these stocks are currently experiencing, with some spectacular crashes and a general decline, has finally made up my mind: I will not put a single cent into it.

Not being at all comfortable with the stock markets, I asked a stock market friend for his opinion. His response was crystal clear: “Are you ready to lose everything? Because that’s the risk, you know, a few bad investments and everything evaporates… With international conflicts, basic values ​​are saturated and their volatility is at its highest. ” I’m skipping my turn.

I then remember some rather bling friends investing in beautiful watches (like this rapper bragging to me about having bought a piece for 5,000 euros and telling me that it was almost worth double that just two years later), collections of rare bottles (rum for some, whiskey or wine for others). You only have to look at the price of certain Hennessy flasks to understand that it is not within the reach of all budgets. And the risk is different: an aperitif and that idiot Matthieu starts sipping a 6,000 euro bottle from the neck… In the category of improbable investments, I learned that the LEGO brick brand is a rapidly evolving value and much safer than most of those cited above… Who would have thought it? This type of “passion” investment, like certain paintings and works of art of all kinds, would have become more reliable and profitable than precious metals, including gold.

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What remains are non-fungible values ​​(NFT), a novelty on the financial markets and particularly linked to art… What are the means to secure transfers, and protect against any risk of computer piracy? (see our article “Bitcoin Scammers”, editor’s note). Apparently, some companies have specialized in this growing sector.
Indeed, according to a recent study by ExpressVPN, the security issues in this area are significant. At stake ? Avoid having your personal data put up for sale and exploited following any online scam by equipping yourself with a “protection tunnel” capable of securing any computer or laptop connected to the Internet and thus protecting your computer data …

Although I don’t know where to put my money, I already know how to secure my transactions and my data… a good start, right?

By Julien Larange

The article GONZO-FINANCE: “AH IF I WERE RICH…” appeared first on Technikart.


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