González Urrutia’s Lawyer Prepares for Pivotal Discussion with Prosecutors to Settle Case

The defense of Edmundo González Urrutia, exiled in Spain since last weekend, He said on Saturday that he is waiting for a meeting with the judicial authorities of the Caribbean country to close the case against him.

“We are waiting, after statements made by the Attorney General of the Republic (Tarek William Saab) last weekendof a new meeting in which the aspects relating to the judicial closure of the case will be discussed, once Edmundo González Urrutia has left the country and is in Spanish territory,” said his lawyer, José Vicente Haro, in an interview with Televisión Española (TVE) on September 14.

This weekend marks 7 days since González traveled to Spain after requesting asylum, considering that he was suffering political and judicial persecution in Venezuela after the elections of July 28, in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner, something that is considered a “fraud” by the majority opposition, which insists on the victory of its standard-bearer.

That Sunday, Saab said that, with the departure of the opposition leader from the country, “the final chapter” of a work with “blood, sweat and tears” occurred, which – he said – caused “anxiety” among the population.

Haro said this Saturday that The next step will be, “definitely”, to “close that case” against the leader of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD)accused by Chavismo of crimes such as “usurpation of functions”, “forgery of public documents”, “instigation to disobedience of laws” and “conspiracy”, among others.

“It is necessary to close the matter, the case, before the courts,” said the lawyer, something that – he explained – has to be “managed before the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP, Attorney General’s Office)” in “an appearance” to “comply with the corresponding formalities.”

He added that it will be stressed that González Urrutia “has not committed any crime.”

González was called to testify before the Prosecutor’s Office on three occasions due to an investigation against him, related to the publication, on a website, of “83.5% of the minutes” obtained through people who were witnesses and members of the table on election day and which reflect, according to the PUD, the “victory” of the former candidate.

When he did not appear, a court issued an arrest warrant against the opposition leader, who had been a refugee for more than a month until September 5 in the Dutch Embassy, ​​from where he moved to the Spanish Embassy, ​​where he remained until Saturday, September 7, when he left Venezuela.

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What legal​ steps are being taken⁤ by Edmundo ⁤González Urrutia’s⁣ defense team in ‌Spain?

Edmundo González Urrutia’s Defense: Awaiting Judicial Closure in Spain

Edmundo González Urrutia, the exiled Venezuelan opposition leader, has been waiting for a meeting with the judicial authorities‍ of Venezuela to close the case ⁣against him since he fled to Spain ‌last weekend [[3]]. González⁤ Urrutia’s lawyer, José Vicente Haro,⁢ announced on Saturday⁣ that they are awaiting⁢ a new‍ meeting to discuss the judicial closure of the case, now that the opposition leader is‍ safely in Spanish territory [[1]].

González Urrutia’s journey to​ Spain was ⁢marked by political and ⁢judicial persecution⁣ in Venezuela,‌ following the July 28 presidential elections, in‌ which the National Electoral Council (CNE) ⁤declared Nicolás Maduro the winner. The opposition, however,​ claims that the election ‌was a “fraud” and that González Urrutia was the rightful winner ⁣ [[3]].

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William ⁢Saab, stated last weekend ​that González Urrutia’s departure from⁤ Venezuela marked the “final chapter” of a work that caused “anxiety” among the population‌ [[1]]. However, González Urrutia’s defense is adamant that the next⁢ step ‍is⁢ to close the case⁤ against him, which includes accusations ​of “usurpation of functions”, “forgery‍ of public ‌documents”, “instigation to disobedience of laws”,​ and “conspiracy”, among others‍ [[1]].

Haro emphasized that it is essential to close‌ the case before the courts, stressing that ‌González Urrutia “has not committed any crime” [[1]]. The lawyer explained‍ that​ they need to manage the case before the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP, Attorney General’s Office) in an appearance to comply with the necessary formalities.

González Urrutia was called to testify ⁢before the Prosecutor’s Office on three​ occasions due to an investigation against ‌him,⁤ related to the publication of “83.5% of the minutes” obtained through ⁢people ⁤who were witnesses and members of the table on election day. The opposition claims that⁣ these minutes reflect the “victory” of González Urrutia [[1]].

The ‌defense’s‍ move⁢ to close the ‌case ⁣comes after González ‌Urrutia’s dramatic flee to Spain, where he was granted ⁣asylum. As reported, González Urrutia barely ​had to walk a few meters from the Dutch ambassador’s residence in ​Caracas to the complex that serves as his home to escape ​ [[2]].

As the situation unfolds,⁤ it is clear ⁤that González Urrutia’s defense is determined to clear his name and bring⁣ an end to the‌ judicial proceedings against him. The opposition leader’s Instagram profile, ‍where he describes himself ‍as a “husband, father, and grandfather. Diplomat. Public servant. Unitary presidential candidate” [[1]], has been quiet‍ since his departure from⁤ Venezuela.

The world ‌is watching as the fate of Edmundo González Urrutia unfolds⁢ in Spain. ⁢Will the Venezuelan judicial authorities grant⁤ him the closure ​he seeks, or will ​the case against him continue to cast a shadow over his exile? Only time will tell.


[1] https://www.instagram.com/egonzalezurrutia/

[2] ​ https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/09/08/66ddeaa8fc6c8312578b4599.html

[3] https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/latin-america/venezuelas-edmundo-gonzalez-urrutia-from-placeholder-to-opposition-pointman.phtml

– What are the implications of Edmundo González Urrutia’s case for exiled political leaders in Spain?

Edmundo González Urrutia’s Defense: Awaiting Judicial Closure in Spain

Edmundo González Urrutia, the exiled Venezuelan opposition leader, is waiting for a meeting with the judicial authorities of Venezuela to close the case against him. González Urrutia’s lawyer, José Vicente Haro, announced on Saturday that they are awaiting a new meeting to discuss the judicial closure of the case, now that the opposition leader is safely in Spanish territory [[1]]. This



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