Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea: “20 years of notebook innovation, we will continue to develop while maintaining principles”

[IT DongA, Kang Hyung-seok] “2024 marks a significant year for MSI as it marks the 20th anniversary of our first notebook PC product. Despite the passage of time, MSI has consistently introduced a diverse range of notebook PCs that blend the latest technology with passion and innovation. This approach will remain unchanged in the future. We will adhere to our three guiding principles: aesthetic appeal, superior performance, and cutting-edge technology to release even better products.”

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea, expressed that despite various challenges, adhering to the brand philosophy of passion and innovation has allowed them to solidify their presence in the domestic market. MSI, originally recognized for its PC components like motherboards and graphics cards, has expanded its portfolio to include monitors, notebook PCs, and portable gaming PCs (gaming UMPCs), which is evident of its growth.

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT Donga

Having launched its first laptop in 2004, MSI initially focused on technological aspects like other PC accessory manufacturers. However, after 2010, the company gained recognition by pioneering the gaming laptops market. This unique approach allowed MSI to flourish in 2023, a year when the global laptop market experienced a decline of 10.8%.

‘Gaming Laptop’ Achieved Through Challenges

Founded in 1986, MSI began producing notebooks in 2004. The company made numerous attempts to innovate in an existing notebook market. The GX600, released in 2007, allowed users to ‘overclock’ by enhancing the performance speed. The next year, MSI transformed the market with the Wind U100 netbook featuring a 10-inch display, contrasting with most other netbooks that had 7-inch screens. MSI’s strategy was to stand out by offering a larger display.

In 2009, however, MSI encountered substantial difficulties. The thin and light X340 notebook received negative reviews, compounded by the global financial crisis and the rise of smartphones and tablets.

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT DongaGong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT Donga

The path was not straightforward. Despite MSI’s longstanding experience in developing and manufacturing PC parts, entering a market that was virtually nonexistent required significant resolve. It also necessitated convincing skeptical colleagues within the company about the potential of gaming laptops. Still, with a sense of urgency to adapt to the market, MSI began the process of technology development.

MSI sought insights from professional gamers and industry experts for its gaming notebook development. It formed a marketing and sales team comprised of individuals with prior experience in the gaming community and e-sports teams, while also paying close attention to market trends. It was crucial for MSI to identify what was necessary for a comfortable gaming experience beyond just performance. One notable observation was the significance of the ‘network’. In online gaming, connectivity between the system and the server is vital, as even minor disconnections or delays can influence outcomes. As a result, MSI focused on creating a device that minimized lag time and maintained robust input/output signals, leading to the development of the ‘Killer Network’ gaming network card.

MSI persisted in its efforts to integrate high-performance components into compact spaces. Given the limitations of existing components, the majority of parts, including circuit boards and cooling systems, underwent new development in collaboration with manufacturers. However, a new challenge arose—pricing. There were concerns regarding whether consumers would be willing to accept gaming notebooks priced three times higher than standard market notebooks.

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT DongaGong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT Donga

technology, offering support for inventory management and sales activities needed by retail partners,” he remarked.

Initially, CEO Gong Beon-seo had concerns about whether gaming notebooks would capture attention in both global and domestic markets, but his concerns proved unwarranted. The outstanding performance combined with appealing designs led to success in the marketplace. MSI’s gaming notebooks also played a pivotal role in expanding into various product lines, including Creator and Business models.

Recently, MSI has concentrated on the business notebook sector, targeting office workers and professionals who prioritize productivity. They offer a wide array of options, from the premium Prestige model with its elegant design and strong performance to the Modern model, which caters to those who need a straightforward, reliable notebook PC, and the Summit model, which emphasizes enhanced security and functionality.

Enhancing Brand Value Through Ongoing R&D and Collaborations

Speaking about MSI’s competitive edge, CEO Gong Beon-seo stated, “We are not intimidated by the concept of ‘innovation.’ This entails not just technical aspects but a holistic experience encompassing design and function. An example is integrating Steelseries mechanical keyboards into our gaming notebooks, as well as speakers from the renowned Danish audio brand Dynaudio, including Giant and Duo Wave speakers.”

MSI is also committed to ensuring stable performance. Particularly, the emphasis is on delivering ‘perfect’ performance. “Many laptops throttle their performance due to heat generation. Initially, they ramp up the speed, but once temperatures hit a certain threshold, they slow down. In contrast, MSI’s cooling systems and air circulation designs are engineered to provide consistent performance,” explained CEO Gong.

MSI Stealth 18 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport. / Source = MSI KoreaMSI Stealth 18 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport. / Source = MSI Korea

MSI also embraces collaborations with prestigious brands and artists. Notable examples include Mercedes-AMG, beloved by car enthusiasts, and Fujiwara Hiroshi, a pivotal figure in street fashion culture. These products aim to offer value that transcends mere computing, evoking a sense of desire among consumers.

According to CEO Gong Beon-seo, MSI is continuously innovating its products and services. “We oversee all processes in-house, from conception to development, software and hardware design, and production, which is essential for ensuring product quality. Additionally, we engage in extensive R&D centered around consumer needs.”

Preparing for the Next 20 Years with Future Technology

What future technology is MSI gearing up for? CEO Gong Beon-seo mentioned “Artificial Intelligence (AI).” He emphasized that the company’s future will heavily rely on how it positions itself in the rapidly evolving AI market. Nonetheless, he clarified that hardware performance remains a crucial selection criterion. Regardless of how AI PCs are defined, they must deliver both performance and convenience. Implementing intelligent applications such as MSI AI Artist and AI Engine, alongside collaboration with service providers, constitutes part of preparing for the future.

technology, even as times change.”

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT DongaGong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea. / Source = IT Donga

Creating a product with a clear objective and direction poses challenges. However, MSI has embraced these challenges and is now competing closely with renowned notebook brands globally. The accumulated experience over 20 years in the notebook PC market will form the foundation for the next 20 years. MSI Korea, which has evolved alongside the history of MSI notebooks, is diligently preparing for the future. CEO Gong Beon-seo expressed, “MSI has reached its current status thanks to the support of numerous partners and consumers. I am confident that MSI will continue to progress in the future, providing exceptional products and new value through ongoing technological innovation.”

Written by / IT DongA, Kang Hyung-seok (redbk@itdonga.com)

MSI: A Legacy of Innovation in Notebook PCs

[IT동아 강형석 기자] “2024 is an important year for MSI. It has been 20 years since the launch of the first notebook PC product. Although time has passed, MSI has always introduced a variety of notebook PCs that incorporate the latest technology with passion and innovation. This trend will not change in the future. We will stick to the three principles of aesthetic elements, top performance, and innovative technology to launch better products.”

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea, emphasized that despite various challenges, MSI successfully established itself in the domestic market by promoting a brand philosophy centered around passion and innovation. Originally recognized for premium PC components, including motherboards and graphics cards, MSI has diversified its product offerings to include monitors, gaming laptops, and portable gaming PCs (gaming UMPCs).

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea

The Evolution of MSI’s Notebook PCs

MSI ventured into the laptop market in 2004. Initially, the focus was on the technical specifications, aligning with traditional PC manufacturers. However, the turning point came after 2010 when MSI pioneered the gaming laptop sector, establishing a unique identity in a saturated market. Remarkably, in 2023, MSI recorded growth even as the global laptop market experienced a 10.8% decline.

Challenges and Innovations: The Birth of the Gaming Laptop

Founded in 1986, MSI’s journey in notebook production was filled with risks and innovations. The early GX600 model allowed users to overclock and maximize their potential. The introduction of the Wind U100 netbook in 2008, featuring a 10-inch screen, was another significant milestone that set it apart from competitors.

However, the journey was not without hurdles. In 2009, the X340 faced poor market reception amid the economic downturn and the rise of smartphones. This prompted internal discussions about the future of laptops in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

“At the time, the internal atmosphere was heavy. However, a change was necessary. With the rise of smart devices, the idea of the uselessness of laptop PCs was raised, but there were also opinions that we should open up a new market. At that time, the idea of making a laptop for consumers who enjoy PC games came to mind,” said Gong Beon-seo.

Gong Beon-seo, CEO of MSI Korea

Crafting the Perfect Gaming Experience

Transitioning from traditional laptops to gaming-focused models posed several challenges. MSI invested time in understanding the gaming community’s needs, ensuring that products catered not just to performance but also to connectivity, which is crucial for online gaming.

Development of the Killer Network

Recognizing the importance of network reliability, MSI introduced the ‘Killer Network’ card designed to minimize lag and enhance connections in gaming scenarios. Extensive research led to the development of high-performance components housed in sleek designs.

Price Challenges and Market Acceptance

Despite high manufacturing costs, MSI aimed to educate consumers about the advantages of gaming notebooks that were significantly pricier than mainstream options. The focus on brand storytelling, innovative features, and customer engagement played a pivotal role in changing consumer perceptions.

MSI Gaming Laptop

Product Diversification: Beyond Gaming Laptops

As MSI solidified its reputation in the gaming sector, it shifted focus towards business laptops that appeal to professionals. The product lineup now includes:

  • MSI Prestige: A stylish design that balances performance and portability.
  • MSI Modern: A user-friendly notebook that prioritizes basic functionality.
  • MSI Summit: Enhanced security and professional features tailored for business use.

Innovations in Performance

According to CEO Gong, MSI’s commitment to innovation goes beyond technical enhancements. They aim to create holistic user experiences by pairing their notebooks with high-quality peripherals and superior cooling technology to maintain performance levels, even under heavy usage.

MSI Stealth 18 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport

Strategic Collaborations and Marketing Initiatives

Partnering with renowned brands such as Mercedes-AMG and influential figures from the fashion industry, MSI aims to transcend the conventional notion of laptops. Their products epitomize luxury and advanced technology, appealing to a broader audience.

Preparing for a Future Fueled by AI

Looking ahead, MSI recognizes the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping technology trends. Gong Beon-seo discussed the company’s vision to integrate AI capabilities across its product line while maintaining the essential hardware standards.

“Currently, artificial intelligence is mostly dependent on the cloud. The cloud is suitable for tasks that require massive data search and analysis, but on-device demand is also expected to increase in the future. On-devices are suitable for tasks that require processing speed because they operate within a PC system (locally),” he explained.

MSI’s Future Outlook

The 20-year journey of MSI has equipped it with invaluable insights and experiences, paving the way for continued growth and innovation. The firm remains committed to delivering exceptional products while adapting to the fast-evolving technological landscape.

Gong Beon-seo stated, “MSI has achieved what it is today thanks to the help of many partners and consumers. I am confident that MSI can continue to develop in the future. We will continue to provide amazing products and new values through continuous technological innovation.”

Written by / IT Donga Kang Hyung-seok (redbk@itdonga.com)



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