Golkar Says KIM Solid Despite Political Map Changes

Deputy General Chairperson for Golkar Party Election Winning Affairs Ahmad Doli Kurnia (ANTARA PHOTO/Muhammad Adimaja)

Deputy General Chairperson for Golkar Party Election Winning, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, assessed that the latest ruling of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the nomination threshold requirements will change the political constellation in the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada).

He considered the latest Constitutional Court ruling to have changed a very fundamental regulation because almost every political party in the region can nominate regional heads independently. For that reason, according to him, the Golkar Party will immediately consult with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) to respond to the Constitutional Court ruling.

“From the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, of course there must be a meeting, we will make sure first, this is new, I have not received the decision,” said Doli while attending the 11th National Conference of the Golkar Party in Jakarta, today.

He also did not rule out the possibility that the Golkar Party would adjust itself in responding to the Constitutional Court’s decision, including changing the names of the candidates nominated as regional heads.

“Politically, strategically, once the regulations change, the power map changes,” said the man who also serves as Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Even so, he is also sure that KIM will be solid in responding to the latest Constitutional Court ruling. According to him, KIM’s solidarity has also been tested because it already has a success story in the victory of Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 Presidential Election.

Previously, the Constitutional Court through Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 changed the threshold for nominating regional head and deputy regional head candidates.

Through this ruling, the Constitutional Court stated that political parties that do not get seats in the DPRD can nominate candidate pairs. The calculation of the requirements to propose candidate pairs through political parties or a coalition of political parties participating in the election is only based on the results of valid votes in the election in the relevant region.

“The verdict grants the petitioners’ request in part,” said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo reading the verdict for the case filed by the Labor Party and the Gelora Party in the Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, today. (Ant/P-2)

#Golkar #KIM #Solid #Political #Map



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