Gold prices today, Sunday.. 21 karat records 831 pounds per gram

The seventh day publishes the latest update in Gold prices today On Sunday, in light of the cessation of trading in the precious metal on global stock exchanges, where an ounce of gold recorded $ 1897, which affected gold trading last week, which recorded a noticeable move to the upside.

Gold prices today

24 carat records 949 pounds.

22 caliber records 910 pounds.

21 karat records 831 pounds.

Carat 18 records 712 pounds.

And on the future of gold, hopes in talks between the United States and Russia have led to some calm in the markets, but continuing concerns regarding Ukraine kept the yellow metal on track for a third consecutive weekly gain.

It was reported that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken accepted an invitation to meet with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov next week to discuss the current situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Gold received great support from the tensions in Ukraine and recorded its highest levels in 8 months, in light of the high demand for safe havens, which made the precious metal achieve successive leaps.



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