Gold prices rise 25 pounds within 24 hours.. 21 karat records 985 pounds per gram

Gold prices in Egypt and the global stock exchange are still subjected to great pressures, continuous changes and speculations from capital owners, which leads to a continuous movement of gold between ups and downs, and during the last 24 hours, it returned gold prices To rise by about 25 pounds over the course of the day, and almost the same value of the decline over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Gold prices today moved in Egypt about 25 pounds, against the background of the rise in gold prices globally to levels of 1740 dollars, compared to a decline to 1716 levels, due to the decline in the performance of the dollar, which is reflected in the price of gold in International exchange.

Gold prices today:

Carat 18 recorded 844 pounds per gram

21 carat recorded 985 pounds per gram

24 carat records 1126 pounds

The gold pound is 7880 pounds.

An ounce of gold is 1745 dollars

Gold manufacturers in Egypt after the recent increase

Mamdouh Abdullah, a member of the Board of Directors of the Gold Division, announced that the new estimated increase in value-added tax on gold factories will raise the average value of workmanship on a gram of 21 karat gold to become 44 pounds, and the value of the value added tax due on it will be 6.16 pounds.

He pointed out that the average workmanship of a gram of 24 and 18 karat gold is to 66 pounds, provided that the value of the value-added tax due on it will be 9.24 pounds, and the average value of workmanship on a 14-karat gram will rise to 55 pounds and a tax is due on it 7.7 pounds, and the price of workmanship on a gram of karat will reach 12 to 49.5 pounds, and the value-added tax on it is 6.93 pounds. As for a gram of 9 caliber, the price of its manufacture will rise to 33 pounds, provided that a value-added tax of 5.62 pounds will be obtained from it.

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