Gold prices in Egypt today, Monday 19 September 2019

We publish the latest update in gold prices in Egypt today, Monday, at the beginning of the week’s trading, and 21 karat, which is the best seller in Egypt, scored 1116 pounds per gram, and the price of an ounce of gold on the global stock exchange is currently 1665 dollars.

Gold price today in Egypt:

Carat 18 records 957 pounds.

24 karat gold records 1276 pounds.

21 carat records 1116 pounds.

The gold pound is 8928 pounds.

Gold prices fell on the global stock exchange to levels of 1665 dollars, once morest the backdrop of expectations of an expected hike in the interest rate in the United States of America, to record US interest rates this year, which affects the attractiveness of gold.

The global gold market was affected by the announcement of the industrial output in Japan, the consumer price index in Britain and the monthly report of the International Energy Agency, and it is scheduled to announce the consumer price index in Saudi Arabia, the trade balance in the euro area, the interest rate in Britain, retail sales in America and requests for US aid.

The global market was closed last week following the announcement of industrial production data in China, retail sales in Britain, and the consumer price index in the euro area. These events and economic data affect the price indicators of currencies, gold and major metals, and are also considered a measure of the economy’s movement, especially with regard to inflation, trade balance, corporate performance and others. .



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