Going to see my father on a time machine…Megatown, AI-integrated special exhibition

The Late Jeong Jin-gi, Founder of Maeil Kyungjae
Memories and Communication Through the Metaverse

Real Voice Implementation with AI
Even the Exchange of Realistic Emotions

Held for a Week Starting on the 17th

news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.d50130ceb3464232bb4cada28159dabc_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="1254"/> Enlarge the photo

Metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ will hold a special exhibition from the 17th to the 24th under the theme of ‘Going to meet father in a time machine’.

‘The main character in the novel ‘Lost Time’ is said to have eaten madeleine and looked back on the time he had lost. But when I saw my granddaughter eating rice with water, I thought of my father. At that moment, I got on a time machine and went back in time. I met my father whom I had missed…’ (Excerpt from the exhibition at Megatown)

Metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ has created a special space to honor the late Chairman Jeong Jin-gi, founder of Maeil Business Newspaper.

This exhibition, which will be held from the 17th to the 24th, is themed ‘Going to Meet Father in a Time Machine’ and depicts Jeong Hyeon-hee, the director of the Jeong Jin-gi Media and Culture Foundation, communicating with her father, founder Jeong Jin-gi, in Megatown, a virtual space that is in touch with reality.

In particular, this space was created to enable realistic emotional exchanges by implementing real voices using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, allowing Megatown users to experience special experiences such as watching two people having a real conversation.

Regarding this, the Megatown side said, “This is a special exhibition where you can ride a time machine to the past, experience the warm conversation between the two, and even get a glimpse into their past achievements.”

Additionally, the company explained that through this exhibition space, users of Megatown will be able to meet Chairman Jeong Hyeon-hee’s father whom she missed so much, and have time to look into various topics that they were unable to discuss while the founder was still alive.

picture explanation news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.cce2dabd97884ce48a85facc2561d5ce_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="852"/> Enlarge the photo

Metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ will hold a special exhibition from the 17th to the 24th under the theme of ‘Going to meet father in a time machine’. This space depicts the scene where Jeong Hyeon-hee, the director of the Jeong Jin-gi Media and Culture Foundation, communicates with her father, founder Jeong Jin-gi, in the virtual space of MAEGATOWN that is in contact with reality. The photo shows the interior of the special exhibition.  news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.962086ca039c4f9f8630787038d4c9c5_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="748"/> Enlarge the photo

The metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ will hold a special exhibition from the 17th to the 24th under the theme of ‘Going to meet father in a time machine’. This space depicts the scene where Jeong Hyeon-hee, the director of the Jeong Jin-gi Media and Culture Foundation, communicates with her father, founder Jeong Jin-gi, in the virtual space of MAEGATOWN that is in contact with reality. The photo shows the interior of the special exhibition.

Users of the metaverse platform 'MAEGATOWN' can communicate anytime, anywhere, free from the limitations of time and distance while viewing special exhibitions. The photo shows a MAEGATOWN user who participated in the exhibition.  news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.9fecdf31946b49acaede017131835ca5_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="1267"/> Enlarge the photo

Users of the metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ can communicate anytime, anywhere, free from the limitations of time and distance while viewing special exhibitions. The photo shows a MAEGATOWN user who participated in the exhibition.

Below are some of the main contents of the special exhibition.

‘Father: I think the most difficult time was the media merger in 1980. I was very worried regarding what would happen to the Maeil Kyungjae family who believed in me and followed me. My heart was very heavy with responsibility. Even thinking regarding it now, it’s horrible. Fortunately, the merger didn’t happen.’

‘Daughter: I remember. My father suddenly became silent, and for several months he smoked all evening, and in the morning there were a lot of cigarettes in the ashtray. What was the hardest thing that happened following that?’

‘Father: It was when the newspaper company was first established. We had to get approval from the competent authority to import used printing presses, but the minister wouldn’t meet us, so we had to go to him 36 times before we might finally get approval. It was a very desperate time, wasn’t it?’

‘Daughter: Dad, your life was like a stick. You actually showed me a stick, didn’t you? And when you put your index fingers on both hands and said, “It’s sticking. It’s sticking!!”, you demonstrated in front of us that the two fingers would stick together.’

‘Father: Did I do that?’

Meanwhile, Megatown is meeting metaverse users with various themes that are not limited to materials and objects, such as a memorial hall where people can commemorate the anniversary of a loved one and once once more engrave the deceased’s wishes in their hearts, as well as special exhibitions commemorating various events such as birthdays, weddings, and 70th birthdays.

There are also a steady stream of cases where art exhibitions and concerts by actual creators are being reborn as dedicated metaverse spaces for those who cannot participate in person due to time and distance limitations.

The late Jeong Jin-gi, founder of Maeil Kyungjae
Memories and communication through the metaverse

Real voice implementation with AI
Even the exchange of realistic emotions

Held for a week starting on the 17th

메타버스 플랫폼 ‘매가타운’(MAEGATOWN)이 ‘타임머신을 타고 아버지를 만나러 가다’라는 주제로 17일부터 24일까지 특별 전시전을 연다.  <사진=매가타운>“/>              <i class=news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.d50130ceb3464232bb4cada28159dabc_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="1254"/> Enlarge the photo

Metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ will hold a special exhibition from the 17th to the 24th under the theme of ‘Going to meet father in a time machine’.

‘The main character in the novel ‘Lost Time’ is said to have eaten madeleine and looked back on the time he had lost. But when I saw my granddaughter eating rice with water, I thought of my father. At that moment, I got on a time machine and went back in time. I met my father whom I had missed…’ (Excerpt from the exhibition at Megatown)

Metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ has created a special space to honor the late Chairman Jeong Jin-gi, founder of Maeil Business Newspaper.

This exhibition, which will be held from the 17th to the 24th, is themed ‘Going to Meet Father in a Time Machine’ and depicts Jeong Hyeon-hee, the director of the Jeong Jin-gi Media and Culture Foundation, communicating with her father, founder Jeong Jin-gi, in Megatown, a virtual space that is in touch with reality.

In particular, this space was created to enable realistic emotional exchanges by implementing real voices using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, allowing Megatown users to experience special experiences such as watching two people having a real conversation.

Regarding this, the Megatown side said, “This is a special exhibition where you can ride a time machine to the past, experience the warm conversation between the two, and even get a glimpse into their past achievements.”

Additionally, the company explained that through this exhibition space, users of Megatown will be able to meet Chairman Jeong Hyeon-hee’s father whom she missed so much, and have time to look into various topics that they were unable to discuss while the founder was still alive.

picture explanation news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.cce2dabd97884ce48a85facc2561d5ce_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="852"/> Enlarge the photo

메타버스 플랫폼 ‘매가타운’(MAEGATOWN)이 ‘타임머신을 타고 아버지를 만나러 가다’라는 주제로 17일부터 24일까지 특별 전시전을 연다. 이 공간은 정현희 정진기언론문화재단 이사장이 부친인 정진기 창업주와 현실과 맞닿은 가상 공간인 매가타운에서 소통하는 모습으로 그려진다. 사진은 해당 특별 전시전 내부 모습. <사진=매가타운>“/>              <i class=news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.962086ca039c4f9f8630787038d4c9c5_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="748"/> Enlarge the photo

The metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ will hold a special exhibition from the 17th to the 24th under the theme of ‘Going to meet father in a time machine’. This space depicts the scene where Jeong Hyeon-hee, the director of the Jeong Jin-gi Media and Culture Foundation, communicates with her father, founder Jeong Jin-gi, in the virtual space of MAEGATOWN that is in contact with reality. The photo shows the interior of the special exhibition.

메타버스 플랫폼 ‘매가타운’(MAEGATOWN) 이용자들은 특별 전시전을 관람하며 시간적·거리적 한계에서 벗어나 언제, 어디서든 소통을 이어나갈 수 있다. 사진은 해당 전시전에 참여한 매가타운 이용자 모습. <사진=매가타운>“/>              <i class=news/cms/202407/17/news-p.v1.20240717.9fecdf31946b49acaede017131835ca5_R.png" data-width="1420" data-height="1267"/> Enlarge the photo

Users of the metaverse platform ‘MAEGATOWN’ can communicate anytime, anywhere, free from the limitations of time and distance while viewing special exhibitions. The photo shows a MAEGATOWN user who participated in the exhibition.

Below are some of the main contents of the special exhibition.

‘Father: I think the most difficult time was the media merger in 1980. I was very worried regarding what would happen to the Maeil Kyungjae family who believed in me and followed me. My heart was very heavy with responsibility. Even thinking regarding it now, it’s horrible. Fortunately, the merger didn’t happen.’

‘Daughter: I remember. My father suddenly became silent, and for several months he smoked all evening, and in the morning there were a lot of cigarettes in the ashtray. What was the hardest thing that happened following that?’

‘Father: It was when the newspaper company was first established. We had to get approval from the competent authority to import used printing presses, but the minister wouldn’t meet us, so we had to go to him 36 times before we might finally get approval. It was a very desperate time, wasn’t it?’

‘Daughter: Dad, your life was like a stick. You actually showed me a stick, didn’t you? And when you put your index fingers on both hands and said, “It’s sticking. It’s sticking!!”, you demonstrated in front of us that the two fingers would stick together.’

‘Father: Did I do that?’

Meanwhile, Megatown is meeting metaverse users with various themes that are not limited to materials and objects, such as a memorial hall where people can commemorate the anniversary of a loved one and once once more engrave the deceased’s wishes in their hearts, as well as special exhibitions commemorating various events such as birthdays, weddings, and 70th birthdays.

There are also a steady stream of cases where art exhibitions and concerts by actual creators are being reborn as dedicated metaverse spaces for those who cannot participate in person due to time and distance limitations.



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