Go to Oh! and get 90 days of free Yandex.Plus subscription

Watch the best TV shows, listen to your favorite music, read the right literature and ride a taxi at a discount, and even in comfort!

To all subscribers of the new tariff line “Switch to O!” 90 days free subscription to Yandex.Plus is provided, which includes bonuses and privileges of four services:

+ Yandex.Music – music library of 60,000,000 tracks, update the playlist at least every day!;

+ Yandex Go – 10% discount on Comfort and Comfort+ class trips;

+ KinoPoisk – access to more than 7,000 films and series in excellent quality without ads;

+ Bookmate – a library of a million books in text and audio formats.

The offer is valid only for subscribers of the “Switch to O!” tariff line, who have not previously subscribed to Yandex.Plus. A complete list of tariffs participating in the promotion is available on the o.kg website. The subscription is free for the first 90 days, following which the standard terms of provision will apply.

“Go to Oh!” – everything you need in one package.

The offer is valid from March 7 to May 31, 2023 inclusive. More details on the o.kg website.

Licenses of the SAC under the SCITC KR: NUR Telecom LLC No. 16-0062-KR, No. 16-0063-KR.

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