Gnocchi from the oven with honey tomatoes and caramelized onion

Collaboration – I love oven baked gnocchi and we make it at home regularly. Often with a lot of cheese on top for gratin. But not this time. I was inspired by the week without meat (and dairy) and wanted to make a dish (without meat and …

Collaboration – I love oven baked gnocchi and we make it at home regularly. Often with a lot of cheese on top for gratin. But not this time.

I was inspired by the week without meat (and dairy) and wanted to make a dish (without meat and dairy) that would make my whole family happy. It ended up being these gnocchi from the oven with Looye Honing tomatoes and caramelized onion and what a feast that was to eat. You prepare everything in the same (preferably cast iron) pan, resulting in a deliciously creamy gnocchi that also has a nice crunch due to the topping of old bread.

For me, the stars of this dish are the Looye Honingtomaten. Not only because of the color, but especially because of the delicious sweet taste of these tomatoes. In this dish, this comes into its own by roasting them, so that the total taste is completely balanced. Come on, let’s make gnocchi!

  • Heat a cast iron pan with a dash of olive oil (or lump of vegetable butter) and fry the onion rings for 20 minutes on medium heat with a small pinch of salt. Toss regularly.

  • Tip: No cast iron pan at home? You can also use a skillet and transfer the mixture to a baking dish before putting it in the oven.

  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

  • After 20 minutes, stir 2/3 of the garlic into the onions and fry for 2 minutes. Pour in the stock and stir in the gnocchi. Place 3 sprigs of thyme from the package of herbs in the liquid. Bring to a boil and then turn off the heat.

  • Place the cast iron pan in the center of the oven on a wire rack for 25 minutes.

  • Crush the stale bread and mix in a bowl with the remaining garlic, a drizzle of olive oil, 1 tbsp finely chopped herbs (rosemary and sage from the container), salt and pepper. Mix the Looye Honingtomaten in a bowl with some olive oil and salt.

  • After 25 minutes, sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the gnocchi and divide the honey tomatoes over it. Put in the oven for another 5 minutes and check whether the sauce is well bound (goes through the starch of the gnocchi by itself). If not, the gnocchi will need another 5 – 10 minutes. Finally, turn on the grill for a nice brown crust.

  • Before serving, garnish with some black pepper and some finely chopped herbs.

  • With this recipe you can make a main course for 4 people.
  • Italian herbs left? Chop them finely and freeze them or make herb butter out of them. These are also delicious herbs to use in a tomato soup.
  • Preparation: 25 minutes + Oven: 30 minutes

This is a collaboration with Looye Kwekers.

Baked gnocchi recipe: Francesca, Photography: DeedyLicious

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