Glucksmann, itchy on the left

Glucksmann, itchy on the left

Ah, the country air. Not the election campaign. The true, the pure, the one whereair smells of manure and where new hearts are ready to beat for good causes. The Parisian curmudgeons are already squeezing Raphaël Glucksmann, who made his political comeback this weekendat the end of the Gironde, in the town of La Réole, a medieval town of 4,000 inhabitants, located on the banks of the Garonne.

They mock the Parisian intellectual who has gone to stretch his legs in the fields, just to escape the trap into which he could have fallen by remaining on his Aventin of the nice winner of the European elections. Let us remember that with his 13.8% of the votes, he had, so to speak, saved the left from disaster. His PS friends then humiliated him by signing, behind his back, for the legislative elections, a Faustian pact with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. An inelegant stab which, so to speak, “denied” him from politics.

ALSO READ Carole Delga: “Mélenchon plays against the left” The shock was violent. He even had difficulty getting back into the ring, ready to give up his apron. The message that his little socialist comrades had transmitted to him? Thanks for the helping hand, friend, now we don’t need you anymore. Stay quietly in Brussels, let us make our national meals, and the cows will be well looked after. Cows, in fact, were the big weak point of “Glucks the philosopher”, the essayist, the humanist with adolescent flights of fancy, such […] Read more



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