Global Pursuit: A Web of Clues from Lisbon to Marrakech

Global Pursuit: A Web of Clues from Lisbon to Marrakech


From what SIC found, the girlfriend of Fábio Loureiro, known as Fábio “Cigano”, went by car to Madrid, from where she continued, via Barajas airport, to Casablanca. Then, already in Moroccan territory, she drove again to Tangier to meet her boyfriend.

Fábio Loureiro decided to oppose extradition to Portugal. After the reunion in Morocco, the girlfriend of the fugitive from Vale de Judeus also ended up spending the night in detention.

A Judicial Police It didn’t take long to update Fábio Loureiro’s new status on social media: caught. He is the first of the five fugitives from Vale de Judeus to be caught.

In the statement after the arrest, the PJ explained that it had credible information indicating that the inmate was in Morocco.

From what SIC found, Fábio’s girlfriend drove to Madrid, from where she went, via Barajas airport, to Casablanca. Then, already in Moroccan territory, he continued by car again to Tangier to meet her boyfriend.

What I wouldn’t say was be followedat least until the end of the route, by the authorities.

Fábio’s arrest takes place after the reunion between the two. It was Sunday night.

After the trip to North Africa, the girlfriend also ended up spending the night in detention, having been released this Monday.

Wanted on an international arrest warrant, Fábio “Cigano”, as he is known, was live in Tangier with another Portuguesealso detained. Handcuffed, offering no resistance and without a beard.

Represented by a Moroccan lawyer, Fábio Loureiro decided oppose extradition to Portugal.

Convicted of the crimes of kidnapping, drug trafficking, criminal association and armed robbery, he had already served 10 of the 25 years he was sentenced tothe maximum penalty in the Portuguese system.

Prison escape could cost you new conviction and more time in prison.

Operation Return involved a collaboration between Moroccan, Spanish and Portuguese authorities.

If the extradition is carried out and Fábio returns to Portugal, he must be taken to the Monsanto high security prisonnot returning to Vale de Judeus.

On the run, now for more than a month, they remain a another Portuguese Fernando Ferreira, one British, one Georgian and one Argentine.



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