Global hydrogen will fall if we do not create this machine: Spain and China will invest 1 billion to manufacture it

One of the energy sources with the greatest potential to address the ongoing energy crisis without generating greenhouse gas emissions is hydrogen. However, this potential may diminish if the necessary infrastructure is not established, specifically a facility in which China plans to invest 1 billion euros in Spain.

A plant that China will build in Spain

The Chinese company Envision Energy, a consortium focused on the design and construction of renewable and sustainable energy plants, intends to invest 1 billion euros in developing a green hydrogen production facility, which will be the first of its kind on the European continent.

The plant will be situated in Spain, although the exact location has not been revealed. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed during the recent visit of the Spanish president to China. This facility will accelerate initiatives aimed at supporting the energy transition in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe.

The green hydrogen production facility: a historic investment

This industrial park dedicated to green hydrogen production will incorporate cutting-edge technology. It will produce hydrogen using high- and low-pressure alkaline electrolyzers as well as high-capacity electron exchange membrane electrolyzers, all of which are crucial for the gas electrolysis process.

Additionally, it will feature the essential infrastructure for complete modules that will facilitate the scalable and large-scale production of green ammonia, along with an air separation unit for ammonia synthesis. Furthermore, this new plant is designed to have an electrolysis capacity of 5 GW.

This represents a significant contribution to Spain’s Hydrogen Roadmap, which aims to produce 11 GW by 2030. This goal, while ambitious, is attainable with the establishment of this facility. It will also include an engineering division focused on innovation.

This engineering division will engage in the design, research, and development of new technologies for manufacturing its products using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Regarding energy sources, 100% of the electrical energy used will come from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

Envision also plans to set up a Green Hydrogen Center of Excellence to gather and share information. Through this initiative, it aims to create a collaborative network both regionally and globally to develop and implement innovative green solutions.

During the construction phase, it is estimated that the project will create over 500 direct jobs and an equal number of indirect jobs. Once operational, it is projected that between 40 and 50 jobs will be generated. This plant will enhance innovations in sustainable energy that will assist in decarbonizing Spanish industry.

The construction of the new plant and its significance for Spain

Construction of the facility is set to commence in the first half of 2026. The exact location will be determined in collaboration between the Spanish government and the investing company. The facility is expected to receive certification once construction concludes, which is projected for late 2027 or early 2028.

It will be classified as a “net zero industrial park” by the firm Bureau Veritas. This extensive hydrogen generation plant holds considerable importance for Spain, as, in addition to its economic contribution, it will support the creation of a more sustainable future with the energy transition across Europe.

In summary, the facility that China will construct in Spain for hydrogen production through eco-friendly and sustainable methods will be the first industrial park of its kind, playing a vital role in the decarbonization efforts underway across the continent.

China’s Green Hydrogen Facility in Spain: A New Era for Renewable Energy

One of the energy sources that offers the best opportunities to alleviate the current energy crisis without greenhouse gas emissions is hydrogen. However, the potential of hydrogen could diminish if not supported by significant infrastructure, such as the green hydrogen production facility being planned by China, which is set to invest 1 billion euros in Spain.

A Plant that China Will Build in Spain

The Chinese company Envision Energy, part of a consortium focused on renewable energy plant design and construction, plans to invest 1 billion euros in developing a green hydrogen production facility—the first of its kind in Europe.

While the exact location of the plant has not yet been disclosed, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed during a recent visit of the Spanish president to China. This facility is expected to significantly accelerate plans for the energy transition in Spain and across Europe.

The Green Hydrogen Production Facility: A Historic Investment

This industrial park will utilize cutting-edge technology, including high and low-pressure alkaline electrolyzers alongside high-capacity proton exchange membrane electrolyzers, which are essential for the gas electrolysis process.

Key Features of the Facility:

  • Capacity for electrolysis of 5 GW of power
  • Integration of advanced modules for scalable green ammonia production
  • Air separation units for ammonia synthesis
  • Engineering division focused on innovation
  • Energy sourced 100% from renewables

This investment aligns with Spain’s Hydrogen Roadmap, which aims for a production goal of 11 GW by 2030. Achieving this ambitious target is now within reach thanks to the establishment of this facility.

Creating a Green Hydrogen Center of Excellence

Envision Energy also plans to create a Green Hydrogen Center of Excellence. This center will serve as a hub for sharing information and best practices, promoting a collaborative network on regional and global levels to develop and implement innovative green solutions.

Employment Opportunities

During its construction, the facility is expected to generate over 500 direct jobs and as many indirect jobs. Once operational, it will create between 40 and 50 jobs, thereby boosting innovations in sustainable energy and assisting in the decarbonization of Spanish industry.

The Construction of the New Plant and Its Impact on Spain

Construction of the facility is slated to begin in the first half of 2026, with the specific location to be finalized in collaboration between the Spanish government and Envision Energy. The construction is projected to be certified as a “net zero industrial park” by the firm Bureau Veritas, with completion expected by late 2027 or early 2028.

This significant hydrogen generation plant promises to have a transformative impact on Spain, not only contributing to the economy but also reinforcing the country’s commitment to the Energy Transition across Europe.

Benefits of the Green Hydrogen Facility

Establishing this facility will provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Creation of job opportunities
  • Acceleration of Spain’s energy transition goals
  • Contribution to the European energy market
  • Advancement in technology for sustainable energy solutions

Case Studies: Success Stories in Green Hydrogen

Location Company Capacity (MW) Start Date Key Focus
Germany Siemens 10 2021 Green Hydrogen Production
Australia Hydrogen Energy 20 2022 Renewable Energy Integration
Japan Toyota 15 2019 Transport Solutions

First-hand Experiences with Green Hydrogen

Various stakeholders, including local governments and energy companies, have expressed excitement regarding the green hydrogen facility’s potential impact. Testimonies from local business leaders highlight the promise of innovation and sustainability that the plant embodies.

The green hydrogen production facility in Spain is set to play a pivotal role as Europe moves towards sustainable energy sources. With the structured partnership between China and Spain, this initiative is a significant step towards a greener, more sustainable future.



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