Global Health warns against comparing Corona to influenza and expects it to continue to mutate

The World Health Organization has warned once morest comparing Corona to the flu, because it is still “very bad” and full of surprises, we are only halfway to the epidemic, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”.

David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special envoy for the coronavirus, has warned once morest comparisons, following British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his intention to start living with the virus. Corona Like the flu in the UK last week, but Dr Nabarro said the virus would continue to mutate and lead to problems.

The newspaper pointed out that the World Health Organization warned once morest comparing Corona to the flu, just days following the United Kingdom government announced that it intended to treat the two viruses in the same way.

David Nabarro, the WHO’s special envoy for the coronavirus, said the comparisons were irresponsible because they suggested the coronavirus had suddenly become incredibly vulnerable.

He added: “It can also mutate and form variables and we have seen many of them but we know there is more not far away, and quite frankly, we are not saying that this should be considered similar to the flu or actually like anything else, it is a new virus, and we should continue to treat it as If it was full of surprises, we would still be halfway there.

And the newspaper said, similarities between the Corona virus and influenza are being made in the UK now that Omicron causes roughly the same number of deaths as a bad flu season.

Boris Johnson indicated last week his intention to lift the isolation rules for Corona patients, stressing that people with influenza do not legally have to quarantine.

Sajid Javid, Minister of Health, revealed the low number of cases in the United Kingdom and the relatively low hospital rates, as he said, “We need to learn how to live with Corona in the same way that we live with influenza.”

When asked regarding the comparisons, Dr. Nabarro said, I still wonder what the people who made these amazing predictions know that my colleagues at the World Health Organization and I don’t know, you see, what people from all over the world see and report to the WHO, is that it’s still a dangerous virus. Especially for people who haven’t been vaccinated and who haven’t been exposed to it before.”

The warning of indolence came as coronavirus cases rose in the UK for the first time in more than two weeks

Another 74,799 positive tests were recorded on Sunday, which is a 5% increase from last week’s figure.

There are currently 260 daily coronavirus deaths in England on average, with the fourth wave reaching its peak, compared to around 400 flu deaths in a bad year.

But Dr. Nabarro said that it was “dangerous” to compare Corona with influenza and to believe that there would be no future developments for the epidemic, adding, “Governments should set the direction and not be ashamed of that.

“All governments everywhere should not be suggesting to people that the data has suddenly changed, or that viruses have suddenly become incredibly weak, so all I ask every leader in the world to do is help everyone stay focused on our preservation,” he said. This virus is away, preventing people from getting infected if possible, and making sure we are well prepared to deal with more mutations as they happen.

And he added, Dr. Nabarro said that the end of the epidemic “is in sight”, but how long will it take to get there? What kind of difficulties will we face on the way? These are the questions that none of us can answer because this virus still gives us challenges and surprises.

“It’s as if we just passed the halfway mark in the marathon, and we can see that yes, there is an end and the sprinters are ahead, but we still have a long way to go and it’s going to be tough.

This came at a time when Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said that the world is going through a critical stage of the epidemic, and 75 more deaths due to Corona were recorded yesterday, which represents a 14% decrease from the previous week.

There are currently 260 daily coronavirus deaths in England on average, with the fourth wave reaching its peak, compared to around 400 flu deaths in a bad year.

Dr. Gebresius urged countries to work together and exchange vaccines and treatments to end the acute phase of the epidemic, adding that the world now has all the tools available to do so.

“The Corona pandemic is now entering its third year and we are at a critical juncture,” he said at a press conference. We must work together to end the acute phase of this epidemic, we cannot allow it to continue to sway between panic and neglect.

And Dr. Hans Kluge, Director of Europe at the World Health Organization, said he believes that the continent is approaching “the end game of the epidemic”, once the current wave of Omicron sweeping Europe subsides, “there will be a few weeks and months of global immunity, either thanks to the vaccine or because people have them.” Immune to infection, as Europe was shocked by a fourth, more deadly wave that saw the return of strict restrictions in some countries.

The Netherlands introduced a comprehensive lockdown that only ended in the middle of this month and France revealed today that it will need a vaccine passport for almost all indoor activities, and a negative test or proof of recent infection will not eliminate it anymore.

“We expect there will be a period of calm before Corona returns by the end of the year, but not necessarily the return of the epidemic once more,” Dr. Kluge explained, but Kluge cautioned that it was still too early to consider Corona endemic.

“There is a lot of talk regarding endemic but endemic means that it is possible to predict what will happen,” Kluge added. “This virus has surprised us more than once, so we have to be very careful, warning that with Omicron spreading widely, it can still emerge other variables.

The World Health Organization’s Africa regional office also said last week that cases of coronavirus had fallen in that region, and deaths were declining for the first time since the fourth wave of the Omicron-dominated virus reached its peak.

Last week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson signaled his intention to start treating Corona like the flu, telling MPs: “Soon there will come a time when we can remove the legal requirement to self-isolate completely, just as we do not impose legal obligations on people to isolate them if they have the flu. He added that with the outbreak of the Corona virus, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people infected with the virus to be careful and considerate of others.

Health Minister Sajid Javid said we need to learn how to live with Corona, adding, “Unfortunately people die from flu too, in the year of bad flu, unfortunately 20,000 lives can be lost but we haven’t completely shut down our country and put a lot of restrictions to deal with it. To continue our lives with reasonable, appropriate and proportionate measures.



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