“Give me some money quickly”: Gunman raids gas station in Haag

The unknown man threatened an employee with a gun and demanded cash. The perpetrator fled with an unknown amount of loot. An immediate manhunt was unsuccessful, the police reported in a press release. The employee was not injured, but suffered severe shock. Information has been requested from the State Criminal Police Office.

The man is said to have demanded cash shortly before 3:30 a.m. with the words “Give me some money quickly.” The robber put the loot in a black shoulder bag he had brought with him and made off. The State Criminal Police Office took over the investigation. The wanted perpetrator is said to be a man aged between 18 and 30. He was wearing a hoodie, a peaked cap, trousers and shoes, all in black. Any relevant information should be directed to the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Austria (Tel.: 059133-30-3333).



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