Giusy Versace leaves Calenda’s party –

After the announcement made by Enrico Costa and today by Mariastella Gelmini, Giusy Versace is also leaving Azione. “Two years ago I joined Azione with enthusiasm for the construction of a stronger, more moderate and liberal center. We presented ourselves in the political elections with the Third Pole project to build a centrist, independent and autonomous space, but despite the good result achieved, the project began to falter after only six months, leaving open wounds and many of our voters disappointed. It was hard to motivate people and territories, but I still felt it was my duty to continue working to aggregate and form a team”, explains the senator herself in a note.

Calenda abandoned by all: Gelmini leaves Azione after the left turn

The statement with the reasons for the farewell continues as follows: “In this last year I have accepted, against my will, even choices that I did not fully agree with, which have led the party ever more rapidly towards the centre-left. Already before the summer I had expressed to Carlo Calenda my discomfort, as well as my disappointment with the idea of ​​joining a broad field also in Liguria. In the meeting with him today in Rome I went into all these reasons in depth, confirming the esteem and affection I have for him and my gratitude for the trust he has placed in me. At the same time, however, I must acknowledge that the political choices, although legitimate, are leading the party in a direction that is not the one I had hoped for. The broad field – Versace concludes – cannot be my home; I therefore find myself forced, with great regret, to leave Azione and I want to thank all those who have worked positively with me in these two years”.

Costa has chosen his new party: who he is going with after the breakup with Calenda

#Giusy #Versace #leaves #Calendas #party #Tempo
2024-09-20 01:34:25



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