Giuliacci’s forecasts –

The North African anticyclone does not loosen its grip and sets its sights on the central north. Mario Giuliacci is providing the weather forecast for August with trends until August 18. The famous meteorologist explains that this heat wave that is crossing the country “will be at its peak especially in the central north between Sunday 11 and Wednesday 14 August, when the African anticyclone will be more powerful than ever and will bring temperatures to 38-40 degrees”, he explains in a video on the YouTube channel MeteoGiuliacci. The regions most affected will be Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio. In the south, heat waves are expected in Puglia and Matera but in general in the south temperatures will not exceed 35 degrees.

Hot weekend and thermometers soaring. Then there is a big risk for Ferragosto

Temperatures will begin to drop in the central north around mid-August, starting from the 15th in fact, and until August 18th we will have “constant temperatures around 35 degrees”: Between August 13th and 16th, thunderstorms are also expected, in Lazio, Campania. Calabria and Sicily, but these will be local phenomena.

#Giuliaccis #forecasts #Tempo
2024-08-13 00:19:17



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