Giuliacci Weather, Autumn Around the Corner? The Truth About Organized Disturbances –

What will happen to the weather in the next 10 days? Will autumn begin and summer change? The weather forecast is provided by the website MeteoGiuliacci: “September is now a totally summer month. If once it was a sort of bridge between the heat and the first cold of autumn, recently the heat of the African Anticyclone has spread for a good part of the month. There will certainly be some disturbances, even rather organised ones, only that the weather pattern at a European level has changed. The summer season has literally prolonged itself into the September period. Those who wanted an early autumn will certainly be disappointed. For almost the entire first ten days of the coming month – as explained by weather experts – temperatures will be well above average and above all sunshine will be very widespread. However, there remains the unknown of a large cold drop, which should affect the Iberian Peninsula and therefore, on the other hand, could project even warmer air masses onto our country”.

Early September with unstable weather. Sottocorona: where instability strikes

The summer-like climate still dominates and there are therefore no certainties about the arrival of autumn. “It is highly probable that organized disturbances will arrive from mid-month. In the first ten days of September we can say with reasonable certainty that true autumn will not start. Even if precipitation were to arrive with a certain diffusion, due to infiltrations of humid air from the southwest, the real disturbances harbingers of extensive and long-lasting rain and storms are not there and there will be no shade for a long time”, the point of Davide Santini.

When the cool weather arrives. Weather, the stop in September: there is a date

#Giuliacci #Weather #Autumn #Corner #Truth #Organized #Disturbances #Tempo
2024-09-04 11:17:25



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