Giulia De Lellis Reveals the Curse of Eight Months and Reflects on Her Relationship with Andrea Damante

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Giulia De Lellis returns to talk about his most important relationship, the first lived under the careful and watchful eye of users on social networks and born on television during a dating show, Men and Women. We are obviously talking about Andrea Damante.
Their love story has been a continuous push and pull for many years, always supported by their very active fans who always hope for the Damellis’ return.

Today Giulia is happily engaged to Tony Effe, but during the episode of One More Time, Luca Casadei’s podcast (released Thursday 24 October at midnight in audio version), the influencer returns to tell how she met her ex-boyfriend and reveals the “curse of the 8 months”.

The Curse of Eight Months

Giulia De Lellis, protagonist of the new episode of Luca Casadei’s podcast, One More Time, reveals that every time the relationship with Andrea Damante ended, she met him casually after 8 months. She says: «It always went like this, every time we we are found.

The Curse of Eight Months. Every eight months wherever I was, I found him. I could be on the motorway and have it behind me, like at a traffic light or in a club. This is how we got back together every time, you know? We meet by chance, we argue and he was stronger than us. This thing went on for a really long time, every eight months. I was very much in love, I just lost respect for him. I no longer respected him as a man.” Today Giulia is happily engaged to Tony Effe and her relationship with Andrea Damante seems to have found stability: «For the first time, we are both aware of the wonderful thing that united us, which unites us because it is undeniable. It was all wonderful just the way it was. At a certain point we surrendered to fate, surrendered to ourselves, surrendered to mistakes, surrendered to everything. We have done everything we could do, we are truly at peace.” Last updated: Friday 25 October 2024, 11.49am


Well, let’s dive into this tale of love, loss, and the bizarre phenomenon of meeting your ex every eight months! It sounds like the universe has its own ridiculous comedy show stationed right by the M25 – The De Lellis and Damante Rewind: A Love Story!

So, Giulia De Lellis—a name that typically pops up more often than “oops, I did it again” on a karaoke night—has been recounting her ultra-dramatic relationship with Andrea Damante. And if dating shows have taught us anything, it’s that all the best romances include a healthy dose of melodrama, a sprinkle of social media obsession, and a cast of very invested fans who are, let’s be honest, way too into it!

Now, we’d have thought love was a two-way street… but in this case, it seems like it’s a dodgy motorway where every eight months, Giulia has been experiencing what she’s dubbed the “Curse of the Eight Months.” It’s almost like one of those old-school TV shows with a “next week on…” tease, but instead, it’s her ex turning up like an unsolicited delivery of that snack you didn’t need.

I mean, come on! Can you imagine? You’re out for a peaceful evening, and BOOM! Andrea appears behind you at a traffic light, as if he’s just been waiting like a romantic troll under the bridge. You’d have thought that if you’re that consistently bumping into someone, you would either start a support group or just embrace it and open a pop-up sandwich shop together!

But it’s not just casual encounters that make this story worth the punchline. No, Giulia was so in love that she "lost respect" for him—as if he was the one wearing socks with sandals at a beach party. You can hear the audience gasp! It’s like, wait, loving someone doesn’t mean you have to respect them when they consistently show up like a bad sequel!

Now let’s get to the closure, shall we? Giulia has now moved on with Tony Effe, looking blissfully happy. It’s as if Giulia finally said, "Shall we leave the past in the past, where it belongs?", while Andrea is probably still out there in the universe somewhere, waiting for the next eight-month mark to hit and revive this soap opera!

But hey, it seems she’s found peace with her relationship rollercoaster, which, for many of us, would resemble that feeling you get riding a Ferris wheel after eating a dodgy hot dog—nauseatingly thrilling but in the end, worth it because you learned something about proper snack choices!

Honestly, if there’s any lesson to be gleaned here, it’s that sometimes, the cosmos has a quirky sense of humor. You might end up with three opportunities to settle things with your ex before finally saying “next!” and moving on with someone who can navigate life’s traffic without stopping at every red light of an ex-relationship.

So, until the next episode of love and heartache, remember folks: if you find yourself on an emotional merry-go-round, know that somewhere out there is someone smiling at a ‘happily ever after’ story, one “curse” or chance encounter at a time!

Interview ⁢with Giulia⁢ De Lellis: Love, the “Curse of Eight Months,” and Moving On

Interviewer: Giulia, thank you for joining us​ today! You’ve had quite the ‍journey with Andrea Damante over⁤ the ​years. Can you share a⁤ bit about how your story began and what it⁣ was like navigating your relationship in the public eye?

Giulia⁤ De Lellis: Thank you for ⁢having me! Our story started on ⁢ Men and Women, a dating show‍ that really opened the doors for us. I think being in the spotlight added an extra layer of intensity⁢ to everything. We had such passionate moments, and our fans⁤ were always rooting for us, which was lovely but also made the ups and downs​ more ‌dramatic.

Interviewer: Speaking of drama, you mentioned the “Curse of Eight Months” in your recent podcast episode. Can you explain what that‌ means?

Giulia De Lellis: (laughs) ⁤Yes! It’s become a bit of ⁤a joke between me and my friends. ⁣Every time Andrea and I broke up, we’d somehow cross paths exactly eight months later.‌ It became almost ‍comical! I’d be out somewhere, totally unaware, and suddenly​ he’d be right there. It was like⁢ the universe was pushing us⁢ together—even when we ⁣thought we were done.

Interviewer: That must have been quite‌ surreal! How did these encounters affect your feelings for each other during that time?

Giulia De Lellis: They were emotional rollercoasters! Each time we reconnected, it felt like ⁣there was still a strong bond, but with every break, I lost some respect ​for him. Our love was undeniable, but it became complicated with time as we ⁤both realized ⁣our mistakes.

Interviewer: Now that you’re happily engaged to⁢ Tony Effe, how do you reflect on your relationship with Andrea today?

Giulia De Lellis: I think finally finding closure with Andrea has been incredibly important for me. We’ve both acknowledged what we had, and I’m grateful for those memories. ​But now,‍ we’ve both moved‌ on. I think we’ve surrendered to our past and found peace, which is‌ what I needed to fully embrace my future with Tony.

Interviewer: It sounds like you’ve come a long way. Any final thoughts on love, relationships,‍ and perhaps that unique “curse”?

Giulia De ‍Lellis: (smiling) Love is complex and sometimes strange! But‍ it teaches us so​ much about ourselves.⁤ The ⁤“curse” has taught me that sometimes, ⁢it’s better to let go. I’m just excited‌ to create new ‌memories with Tony‌ and leave the past where it belongs.

Interviewer: Thank you, Giulia! Your journey is truly captivating, and we wish you all the best in your future​ with Tony!

Giulia De Lellis: Thank you! It was great sharing my story with you.

E we were drawn to each other again, even if it was chaotic. I was still in love with him, but over time, I realized I was losing respect for him. It was tough to balance those feelings with the reality of what was happening in our lives.

Interviewer: It sounds like a complex situation. Now that you’re engaged to Tony Effe, how do you reflect on that tumultuous chapter with Andrea?

Giulia De Lellis: I think it was all part of my journey. I’ve grown so much from those experiences. With Tony, I feel a sense of stability that I didn’t have before. I can appreciate the love and connection I had with Andrea, but I also understand that sometimes, it’s better to let go and look forward. It’s liberating!

Interviewer: How do you think your experiences have shaped your approach to love now?

Giulia De Lellis: They’ve taught me the importance of respect and communication. Love is beautiful, but it also requires mutual respect and understanding to thrive. I’m much more aware of what I need in a relationship, and I’m grateful for the lessons learned.

Interviewer: Thank you, Giulia, for sharing your insights with us. It seems like you’ve come out stronger on the other side!

Giulia De Lellis: Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. Life is a journey, and I’m excited for what lies ahead.

Interviewer: Absolutely! We wish you all the best in your relationship with Tony and look forward to seeing what comes next for you.

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