Giorgia Meloni, the attack on Arianna? “A pattern already seen with Berlusconi” –

The possible assault of the magistrates on Arianna Meloni that Alessandro Sallusti spoke about today is “very plausible”, comments Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and recalls a “seen and reviewed scheme”. The director of Il Giornale, recalling the “Palamara method”, spoke of a plot by the “axis-newspapers-left-prosecutors” in reference to the request for clarifications to the majority, posed by the deputy of Iv Raffaella Paita, on the alleged role of the sister of the Prime Minister in the appointments of companies in which he has a stake such as Fs or Rai. For the journalist, the magistrates already have a way ready to obstruct the government, investigating Arianna Meloni for “influence peddling”.

They want to investigate Arianna Meloni, Sallusti's torpedo: FdI protests, Renzi's reply

“Unfortunately, I find very plausible what Alessandro Sallusti wrote today in Il Giornale,” the prime minister comments in a quote published by Ansa on its website. “After all, it is a pattern seen and reviewed especially against Silvio Berlusconi: a system of power that uses every method and every subterfuge in order to defeat a political enemy that wins the democratic competition at the ballot box,” Meloni says in a telephone conversation.

“They have combed through my life and that of every person close to me without finding anything to attack us,” the prime minister continues. Sallusti’s complaint has provoked a furious reaction from Fratelli d’Italia, and the defense of Matteo Renzi, considered the director of the operation, who has rejected the accusations.

#Giorgia #Meloni #attack #Arianna #pattern #Berlusconi #Tempo
2024-08-19 20:06:42



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