Gintaras Grajauskas: Navigating Sanity Amidst Life’s Chaos

On closer inspection, it seems that those people have never entered any mind. They only moved into social networks and became heard and seen. Indeed, all kinds of people live for themselves for millennia and without any great sense. And he doesn’t see trouble. Can’t see anything at all.

And if you ever see anything, it will be too late.

If you are one of those who have something to move away from, then you probably have other thoughts: how to survive today, when the whole world is like a powder keg, and crazy people with all kinds of hair are running around it with torches?

First of all, don’t become a fanatic yourself and don’t lose your sanity.

Do not worship or idolize any person – because you are guaranteed to be disappointed. Anyone, even the most perfect person, is a weak creature who loses more than he gains during his life.

Don’t give in to the illusion that somewhere there is such a magical leader, a savior, who can fix everything in an instant, even your personal life. If such a leader were to appear, he would be completely invested in your lives, you would be just a tool for him to achieve the great goal.

Do not believe in populists. You don’t believe in populists? Great, very good. But you still need to not believe that populists are just such funny clowns and harmless lunatics who are fun to laugh at. No – it’s very fun to make fun of you who can’t see that those clowns and crazy people are not really crazy at all – they are very cunning frauds and have their own, completely ridiculous goals. And you, watching their circuses and giggling, raise their popularity and help them achieve those goals.

So what to do? Prepare to fight a real enemy, he exists and is completely nearby. Don’t waste unnecessary hatred on all kinds of nobody. Do not indoctrinate. Having clear views but not living according to any party line. If it is too difficult to do without some clearer instructions, try to follow the Decalogue.

First of all, don’t become a fanatic yourself and don’t lose your sanity.

Vote, always. For those you trust. This is your personal contribution, however small, to reduce the number of fanatics and fraudsters of all varieties who manipulate the naive in power.

Have your own opinion – just remember that it is only your personal opinion. It’s not necessarily right, and it doesn’t really matter to others, who also have their own opinions. And no matter how hard you try to prove to them that your opinion is the most correct, you will not change their opinion.

For those who don’t have an opinion, there are opinion makers. It is quite easy to present any information in such a way that a good and naive person who easily succumbs to manipulations will form the opinion that the customer needs.

It is more difficult to indoctrinate those who have their own opinions. It is almost impossible to indoctrinate those who have their own opinions and know how to manage their emotions well. So have your own personal opinion, whatever it may be. It is not necessary to indicate it on every corner. If that opinion turns out to be incorrect, you can always quietly adjust it yourself. And in general – you don’t have to know everything in the world, let alone speak about everything.

Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS photo/Gintaras Grajauskas

Indoctrination does not only occur in political spheres. Here someone takes it and declares his opinion, under the influence of some clever speaker: I only like classical symphonic music, and all other music is junk. Or – I only like installations and performance and everything else is junk. It’s just as stupid as saying publicly – hey, people of the world, listen up! I have news for you! I only like eggplant and all the other food you eat is total junk. Therefore, I am the only one living right and your lives are junk. I’ll be the only one going to heaven, and there I’ll have classical music playing and eggplants growing, and all of you, unlike me, will be going to hell to perform.

And now let’s imagine that we meet in life or social. in the nets, two are the same, only one for eggplant and one for cauliflower. So that’s it, the war of ideologies!

There are forces that invest huge amounts of money in all kinds of eggplant and cauliflower growers. Because they absolutely need chaos and division before they start a real, absolutely real war. What are those forces? Just look at who in the world is supporting all kinds of hairy radicals, both on the right and on the left. The answer is not difficult to find.

Indoctrination is when you willingly agree to replace your own common sense and critical thinking with a doctrine created by someone else. Indoctrination has its advantages: in exchange for giving up common sense, you gain a sense of belonging to a powerful community. You gain the power to condemn and crush others who do not follow your doctrine. Just like in the fairy tale about the Little Mermaid who gets legs but loses her voice, in exchange for that power you have to give up something valuable – your critical thinking.

Indoctrination is when you willingly agree to replace your own common sense and critical thinking with a doctrine created by someone else.

There is total indoctrination and mobilization of the masses. On a similar scale as back then, to the communists, who were campaigning for everyone to unite for the international class struggle against capitalism and to achieve a world proletarian revolution. The same is happening now, only the proletarian revolution is no longer mentioned, because this spell no longer works in our time.

But the goal is the same – to expand its ideological and geographical territories, and eventually to conquer the whole world. Therefore, they constantly, unceasingly try to indoctrinate you, to include you in one of the “hostile” camps. You have to choose, they say. Being quiet “for something” is no longer enough for them, they need you to be very loud “against something”. To scream – away with that one, long live that one. And if you dare not scream, listen and think, you are the main enemy of the indoctrinated.

If you are not a professional politician, then you should remember that politics is not the whole life. Yes, it is a very important part of life, but only a part. Next to your political life, there is also your personal life. Which you personally live, and that life has an end.

What’s more, it’s very short – although it might seem different to you at first. And he, this personal, private life is the most important for you. How will you survive it, how will you love your loved ones, how will you be loved yourself. This is the most important part of life. You don’t live a political life, no matter what people tell you about it. You live your own personal life, yours alone and yours alone.

Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS photo/Gintaras Grajauskas

Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS photo/Gintaras Grajauskas

Politics, according to the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia, is “the art of state management, a universal way of organizing society, a system of general regulation of people’s lives, which aims to maintain the order of public life, the stability of the internal and external world by regulating conflicts”. In fact, most of you do not manage, organize, or regulate, even though you may think you are the best at it. And the process in which you are participating is not politics at all, but just meaningless mass rants that change absolutely nothing in society, except for the ratings of some politicians and the general degree of hatred.

Even if we suddenly voted and replaced all the members of the Seimas with completely new ones, nothing would change too much in our lives.

Even if we suddenly voted and replaced all the members of the Seimas with completely new ones, nothing would change too much in our lives. Sausage would become cheaper, and cottage cheese would become more expensive. That’s about all of those changes. Because if we really want something to change, we should first of all change ourselves. So nothing will change. Only other populists – those who failed to win the elections – will again scream that the whole government steals, and the government once again does not care at all about the common man. They will scream until they are also elected to power – then, of course, they will be silent. Then others who have not yet managed to get into power will start screaming. This is already arranged in nature. Circle of Life.

Everything in our lives would change radically in only one case – if we elected such a government that would open the gates to Russia, and we would become part of their dream empire. I really want to believe that it is impossible to gather the majority of sales people in Lithuania, even after mobilizing everyone down to the last idiot. At least for now.

Although the mobilization of idiots is otherwise quite successful, but to paraphrase Berods Sruoga, there are fewer idiots in a small country. That’s fine, I had to live a little in that lame Russian empire, hidden under the name of the USSR, and I really didn’t like it. A gigantic pile of lies covered with plywood posters.

And if that doesn’t work either, then forget everything you’ve read and just put the dog down. It is very calming and at the same time disciplining.

Sorry for the tutorials – I’m mostly teaching myself here. How am I doing in my studies? Well, it’s very diverse. Sometimes it works, sometimes not at all. But maybe it will help some other person who is desperately trying not to go crazy.

And if that doesn’t work either, then forget everything you’ve read and just put the dog down. It is very calming and at the same time disciplining. And it gives a small but very important hope that you can change at least one thing in the world – for the better.

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#Gintaras #Grajauskas #crazy #short #survival #memo #Culture
2024-09-08 23:19:26

Here are ​some​ People Also⁤ Ask (PAA) related questions ⁤for the title “The Dangers of Indoctrination: How ​to Protect Yourself and Others”:

The Dangers of‍ Indoctrination: How to Protect Yourself and Others

In today’s ⁤world, we are constantly ​bombarded with information and‍ ideologies that can be overwhelming. It’s easy to get swept up in the latest trend ⁢or movement, but it’s essential to remember⁣ the ⁢importance‌ of critical thinking and not‍ falling‌ prey to indoctrination.

What​ is Indoctrination?

Indoctrination ⁣is the process of⁤ teaching someone to accept ‌a particular doctrine or ideology ⁢without questioning or critical ⁣evaluation. It’s when someone willingly gives up their common sense and critical ​thinking ⁣to conform to a specific belief system​ or community.

The Consequences of Indoctrination

Indoctrination can have severe consequences, not just for the individual but ⁣also for⁣ society‍ as a whole. When people are indoctrinated, they ​become less​ open‌ to new ideas and perspectives, leading‌ to a lack of understanding and empathy towards others. This can ⁢lead to division, conflict, and even violence.

How to Protect⁤ Yourself from Indoctrination

So, how can you⁢ protect yourself from indoctrination? Here are a‍ few ⁢tips:

  1. Ask for evidence: Before accepting a‍ particular ideology or belief, ask ⁣for‍ evidence to support‌ it. Be skeptical and don’t take⁢ things at face value.
  2. Reject faith-based⁤ beliefs: Don’t accept something⁢ just because someone tells you ⁣to. Instead, rely on‍ reason and evidence-based‌ information.
  3. Study the ‌opposing view: Don’t just listen‍ to one⁣ side of the argument. Study‌ the opposing view and consider ‌multiple perspectives.
  4. Be cautious of emotional appeals: Be wary of messages that⁢ rely on emotions rather than facts. Indoctrination⁤ often uses emotional manipulation to sway⁢ people.
  5. Maintain a healthy dose of skepticism: Always question ⁣and evaluate information, even if‌ it comes from someone you trust.

How to Protect Children from Indoctrination

As ⁣a parent, it’s essential to protect your children from indoctrination, especially in‌ today’s world where ideologies can be influential. Here ​are a few tips:

  1. Teach critical thinking: Encourage your children ⁣to question and evaluate⁤ information, even if it comes from authority figures.
  2. Model healthy skepticism: Show your children the importance⁤ of⁢ skepticism and critical thinking by modeling it ‍yourself.
  3. Discuss multiple perspectives: Expose your children to multiple perspectives​ and encourage them to consider different viewpoints.
  4. Focus on values: Instead of indoctrinating your⁢ children⁣ with ‌a particular ideology, focus⁣ on teaching ⁤them values such as empathy, kindness, and respect.

The Role of Education in Preventing Indoctrination

Education plays a crucial role in preventing indoctrination. By teaching critical thinking, skepticism, and‍ media literacy,‍ we can empower individuals ⁤to make informed decisions and resist indoctrination.


Indoctrination is a significant threat to individual freedom and‍ society as a whole

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The Blurred Line between Critical Thinking and Indoctrination

In today’s world, where information is abundant and easily accessible, it can be challenging to distinguish between critical thinking and indoctrination.



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