Ginger essential oil: what are the benefits?

Where does ginger come from?

The ginger or zingiber officinalis is a tropical perennial plant herb of the Zingiberaceae family. It measures one meter high and is characterized by stems that have scales, evergreen and lanceolate leaves, 20 cm long and fragrant, black and encapsulated seeds. As for its flowers, they are white and yellow with purple streaks and bloom between July and November. But it is during the rainy season – between April and May in India – that the rhizome is harvested. It has a beige color, yellow and fragrant flesh.

Ginger is native to Southeast Asia, India, Malaysia and Japan. We find its trace more than 3,000 years ago. In Europe, it is present in Greece, from the 1st century AD. But in France, we have to wait until the 17th century.

How to make ginger essential oil?

Ginger essential oil is made from dried rhizomes. They are distilled by steam distillation. More than 50 kg of rhizomes are needed to get a kilo of ginger essential oil. The color of ginger essential oil is pale yellow. Its smell is both fresh and spicy.

How to store ginger essential oil?

As with all essential oils, certain precautions should be taken regarding the conservation ginger essential oil. The latter should be kept protected from lightso as not to modify its properties. Also beware of humidity and heat.because the essential oil is flammable in nature!

How to use ginger essential oil?

Ginger essential oil can be used in three different ways:


“This route of administration is suitable for children from the age of 7, at the rate of one drop 3 to 4 times a day. From the age of 15, you can take 2 drops 3 to 4 times a day »explains Didier Pesoni.

A massage

“Ginger essential oil can be used from the age of 30 months in massageinforms the pharmacist. From 30 months to 7 years, do not exceed 1 to 2 drops diluted in 1 to 2 pressures of vegetable oil, 3 to 4 times a day. »

From the age of 7, you can increase the number of drops from 1 to 5, for the same number of pressures of vegetable oil, and always without exceeding 3 to 4 massages per day.

“From the age of 15 and in adults, you can use 1 to 10 drops of tarragon essential oil in 1 to 2 pressures of vegetable oil per drop of essential oil, 3 to 4 times a day. . » What makes for 10 drops: 10 to 20 pressures of vegetable oil.

What are the benefits of ginger essential oil?

“Ginger essential oil is incredibly effective and often overlooked for the treatment of chronic inflammation such as osteoarthritis, arthritis, polyarthritis”, informs Didier Pesoni, pharmacist specializing in aromatherapy.

It is also effective once morest joint stiffness, severe sprains, chronic tendonitis, epicondylitis. Especially since “Its mildness and excellent tolerance mean that ginger essential oil is very well suited to prolonged, even chronic use”says the pharmacist.

Ginger essential oil and osteoarthritis

10 millions of French people suffer fromarthrosis. This pathology affects 65% of people over 65. Osteoarthritis is characterized by a destruction du cartilagea inflammation of the jointwhich leads to painsstiffness and therefore, in the long term, a loss of mobility. The joints most affected by osteoarthritis are the hands, the spine, the knees, the hips.

Osteoarthritis is treated by takingpainkillersd’nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugseven iinjection of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid.

Ginger essential oil has its place in treating osteoarthritis, whether as an attack treatment or as a maintenance treatment.

Here is the advice of Didier Pesoni, pharmacist:

In oral attack treatment : “Place 1 drop of ginger essential oil and 1 drop of lemon eucalyptus essential oil on a neutral tablet and take morning, noon, evening and at bedtime for 30 days. »

In attack treatment, by dermal route : “Mix 4 drops of ginger essential oil with 2 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil, 2 drops of copaiba balm essential oil, 2 drops of wintergreen essential oil in 10 to 20 pumps of vegetable oil , which corresponds to 20 to 40 drops. Apply to the lesions 3 to 4 times a day then gradually reduce the frequency of application to once a day or once every two days as soon as the symptoms improve, for 30 days. And stop the oral route. »

As maintenance therapy, orally : “Place 1 drop of essential oil of ginger, 1 drop of essential oil of copaïba balm on a neutral tablet and take morning, noon and evening. »

In maintenance treatment, by dermal route : “Mix 5 drops of essential oil of ginger and 5 drops of essential oil of copaïba balm in 10 to 20 pressures or 20 to 40 drops of vegetable oil of calophylle and apply on the lesions 1 to 3 times per day according to needs. »

Ginger essential oil and chronic tendonitis

Tendinitis results in a tendon inflammation located at the level of the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist, the foot (Achilles tendon), the knee… When it does not disappear following rest, physiotherapy sessions, taking painkillers, we speak of chronic tendonitis because there is tendon degeneration.

Tendinitis is characterized by pain, swelling, a feeling of warmth.

Ginger essential oil can relieve chronic tendonitis. It is then used on the skin, in massage: “Mix 5 drops of essential oil of ginger, 5 drops of essential oil of juniper in 10 pressures of vegetable oil of calophylle and apply in massages 3 to 4 times a day”, advises Didier Pesoni.

Ginger essential oil and prostate

Ginger essential oil being a good anti-inflammatory, it is recommended in case ofprostatic adenoma. It is used orally: “Place 1 drop of ginger essential oil and 1 drop of juniper essential oil on a neutral tablet and take 3 to 4 times a day for 30 days. Reduce the number of doses to 1 or 2 as soon as symptoms improve »recommends the pharmacist.

Ginger essential oil and nausea

“The reputation ofanti-nausea and digestive concerns the fresh or dry extracts of herbal medicine, that is to say the powder, the juice, the ampoulesays the pharmacist. But, in aromatherapy, we do not find the molecules responsible for these benefits, which are gingerol and shogaol. »

Aphrodisiac ginger essential oil

As above, his reputation as sexual tonic concerns fresh or dry herbal medicine extracts”, says the pharmacist. So its use as an aphrodisiac in the form of an essential oil is very likely to be disappointing!

Ginger essential oil: contraindications

Ginger essential oil should not be used in infants under 30 months, pregnant women, nursing mothers and in people withasthma or epilepsy.

Before first use on the skin, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary skin test.



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