The ginger is used to treat digestive problems, control weight, reduce nausea, arthritis pain, among other benefits. Ginger can be consumed dried in powder or in infusion. It can be consumed fresh in culinary preparations or also in infusion, or obtained in extract or natural extract. Leginger is to be avoided in people suffering from gallstones and in pregnant women. From contraindications of ginger it is found not to be combined with antiplatelet drugs, in case of hemorrhoids.

As you can see, ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a spice with both medicinal and culinary virtues, which makes it easy to use to obtain its multiple benefits. Native to Southeast Asia, it has been used since ancient times in the Chinese Empire, Ancient Greece, Medieval Europe and Indian Ayurveda, and it still thrives today thanks to its properties, which make it an excellent digestive aid and culinary additive. To know what are the benefits of ginger, how to consume it and what are its side effectswe invite you to continue reading this article Ginger: benefits, dangers, contraindications and side effects of Projetecolo.

Good reading !

Characteristics of ginger

Let’s see the characteristics of ginger:

  • The Zingiber officinale is an evergreen herbaceous plant.
  • This plant has the particularity of developing underground a bulbous and branched rhizome, used for its properties. These rhizomes can reach up to 10 centimeters in length. Discover here plants with rhizomes: definition and examples.
  • Son taste is very particular : spicy, pungent, aromatic, with a taste of lemon and pepper. The longer the cooking time, the spicier the ginger becomes.
  • Ses leaves are long and one rib.
  • Ses flowers are yellow and appear in clusters.
Ginger: benefits, dangers, contraindications and side effects - Characteristics of ginger

Properties of ginger

Ginger has many properties:

  • Digestive
  • antivirals
  • Painkillers
  • Cholagogues
  • Antirhumatismales
  • Cardiotonics
  • Expecting
  • Antioxidants
  • Antiemetics
  • Carminatives
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Anticholesterolemics
  • Antitussives
  • Antifebrifuges
  • Stimulating

Among the active ingredients of ginger that give it its many properties, we can mention the following:

  • Gingérols : it is the most characteristic active principle of ginger, because it is found only in this plant. It is this substance that gives ginger its spicy taste.
  • Essential oils : they contain 2.5 to 3%. These essential oils contain curcumene and alpha-farnesene, which are sesquiterpenes.
  • Minerals : The most important minerals in ginger are potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • He also has a high water content (81%) and in hydrates de carbone (11 %).

Discover here 13 natural antivirals.

Ginger: benefits, dangers, contraindications and side effects - Properties of ginger

Benefits of ginger

Reduces digestive problems

From benefits of ginger, we can highlight its ability to facilitate digestion and improve certain digestive problems. It is an excellent gastronomic supplement that helps to avoid the consequences of poor digestion. Ginger reduces flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness and dyspepsia in general, as well as stimulates digestive and salivary secretions. Another one virtue of ginger is that he increases intestinal peristalsis to improve digestion: its antibiotic activity helps eliminate any pathogens that cause digestive discomfort. In addition, ginger stimulates the appetite.

Reduces arthritis and rheumatic pain

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, ginger can be applied locally on the painful joints. For best results, it should also be taken internally to reduce inflammation at the systemic level.

Controls overweight and fatty liver disease

The consumption of dried and crushed ginger powder, in the form of capsules or an infusion, contributes to increase metabolic rate. Having spicy notes, ginger speeds up circulation and boosts metabolism, which in the long run promotes weight loss. Ginger helps reduce liver fat and inflammation overweight or obese people.

How to consume ginger

Ginger is primarily available in two basic, easy-to-find forms: costsin the form of a whole rhizome, and dried, in the form of a spice or already prepared in tea bags to make a ginger infusion. The first option is usually obtained from young plants, and once purchased, the root can be stored for up to 3 weeks. More mature plants are dried and ground to produce the powdered spice.

  • The dose to consume the dried spice is one teaspoon with liquid. Thus, ginger relieves digestive problems.
  • Ginger infusion can be made with fresh or dried root ginger, but it is best to use fresh ginger. It is usually prepared with 1 gram of ginger in boiling water for 10 minutes. Filter and drink your infusion before each meal. You can add lemon, sugar, stevia, honey or cinnamon.
  • It is also found in more specialized preparations, in the form extract, capsules or pure essential oil, readily available at health food stores. In case topical applicationthe essential oil should be diluted in a carrier oil to avoid irritating the skin, such as coconut, olive, or sweet almond oil.
  • In Indian, Chinese and other Asian cuisines, ginger is widely used. It can be incorporated into foods to give them a special flavor and improve digestion. In this case, it may be added to foods as a powder or fresh spice. The use of fresh ginger always gives superior quality and flavor to the preparation.

If you want to taste this medicinal plant and you benefit from its properties, you can buy here the price of two of its most commonly used forms: powder and capsules.

Ginger: benefits, dangers, contraindications and side effects - How to consume ginger

Contraindications of ginger

  • Ginger should be avoided by people suffering from gallstonesunless a doctor recommends it in a specific case.
  • It should not be used to combat morning sickness, as it is a fairly potent rhizome. He is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • It is also not recommended to combine it with antiplatelet drugs or to oral coagulants.
  • As an internal heat-generating plant, ginger is not recommended for people suffering from active hemorrhoidsbecause it causes a rather unpleasant burning sensation that aggravates the situation.
  • It can increase but also decrease blood pressure, and should therefore be avoided in people with blood pressure problemsparticularly if they are already on treatment.

Side effects of ginger

Ginger has practically no side effects, but it should be noted that a Excessive consumption of ginger root can lead to drop in blood sugar level, due to ginger’s ability to lower blood sugar levels. In case of excessive consumption, ginger can cause tachycardia, because it speeds up the heart rate, circulation and metabolism. In case of excessive consumption, it can also cause digestive disorders.

Now that you know the properties of ginger, how to consume it and what are the dangers of ginger, we invite you to discover other medicinal plants such as Eyebright: properties, side effects and contraindications, Boldo: benefits, side effects and dangers and Kalanchoé: properties and contraindications.

If you want to read more articles like Ginger: benefits, dangers, contraindications and side effectswe recommend that you consult the Natural Remedies category.


  • Siedentopp, U. (2008). Ginger. International Journal of Acupuncture, 2, 189.
  • Greger, M. (2018) Benefits of Ginger for Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease.Available at:
  • Cebrian, J. (2012). Dictionary of medicinal plantss, Barcelona, ​​Spain, Integral RBA Books.



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