Gillian’s tragic childhood was exposed and she was knocked on the head “with cousin’s bath water” and burst into tears: I worked hard to live | Entertainment | CTWANT

Hong Kong actress Gillian (Zhong Xintong) married “Medical Wang Yangming” Lai Hongguo in 2018, but the marriage fell through after only 14 months. After returning to a single, she is still busy with work. Recently, the good sister Joey Yung hosted the program “Because they are friends”. In the latest episode, Gillian shared the tragic childhood she experienced as a child, leaving an indelible shadow in her heart.

Mani, the program manager, found that Gillian seemed to prefer being alone rather than participating in group activities, and she only found out the reason after asking. Gillian choked and said, “I didn’t want to express it before. I always felt that the people next to me would harm me, and there was no one around to protect me.” It is believed that in the end she went to live at her uncle’s house. Because there are 3 cousins ​​in front of her, she can only take a bath with the bath water that the other party has used. “I’m just trying hard to live.”

Gillian lives in a miserable life. (Picture / Retrieved from Weibo)

Gillian admitted frankly that this is the first time she talks about her childhood in public, “I don’t want to feel it anymore, these words are the first time I say it.” It was not until she entered the entertainment industry that she found a sense of belonging, “I almost Without childhood, I can say that I started my life when I entered the entertainment industry.”

After the show aired, fans felt distressed and left messages, “I really cried, but fortunately there was Ah Sa with her”, “It’s so sad to watch, it’s unheard of to use someone else’s bath water, what did the family think about this? “, “It’s really uncomfortable to be surrounded by others”, “A Jiao is only talking about daily life, there should be a lot of sad things that can’t be said”, “Look at it, it’s all right now”, “I hope she is well”.

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