Gilles Blanger, a year 2024 under the sign of continuity – IN ESTRIE – | Web News Journal | Sherbrooke

2024-01-03 17:05:51

MP Gilles Blanger set several projects in motion over the last year. For 2024, the man who has led the Orford constituency since October 2018 under the banner of the Coalition Avenir Qubec (CAQ) plans to continue the 2023 issues.

The construction of the Arna Memphrmagog and the Coventry file

One of the projects that has been at the center of his concerns in the last 12 months is the construction of the Arna Memphrmagog on the grounds of the La Ruche secondary school. In November 2023, a call for tenders was launched to produce the plans and specifications for this future establishment, the anticipation of which goes back several years. This arna has been awaited for 10 years. With this call for tenders, the file is almost at its end, mentions Gilles Blanger. Note that construction work is expected to begin this year.

Another issue that is being followed very closely by the deputy is that concerning the Coventry landfill site, in Vermont. This being the only dump in the state of Vermont (the site is on land adjacent to the Black River, the main tributary of Lake Memphrmagog, according to Memphrmagog Conservation), several chemicals were dispersed in Lake Memphrmagog, and this since 2009. In order to preserve the health of the lake, Gilles Blanger and his colleagues decided to apply the precautionary principle. At the federal and provincial levels, several people got involved in voting for a motion in the National Assembly. A brief was filed, Mr. Blanger explained. We want the new permit to comply with the regulations, adds the deputy.

*The precautionary principle means that in the event of a risk of serious or irreversible damage, the lack of absolute scientific certainty must not be used as a pretext for postponing until later the adoption of effective measures aimed at preventing environmental degradation -(source: Memphrmagog Conservation)

The connectivity project

In 2024, Gilles Blanger wishes to continue the connectivity project in order to allow people in his constituency to have access to High Speed ​​Internet everywhere in the territory. This is a file that takes up a lot of my time. We want everyone to be able to have access to a network, even in the forest. We also want everything to be transparent. We do not want towers but, rather, small antennas integrated into the landscape, explains Mr. Blanger. It’s a project that will take several more years, he adds.


Financial insecurity is also an issue that has been of great importance to the MP and will continue to be so in 2024. Many elderly people as well as many families have difficulty making ends meet. In 2023, and in previous years, we worked in close collaboration with the Christian Vachon Foundation. In the coming months, we will undoubtedly continue our efforts to support people in need, concludes Gilles Blanger.

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