Gilberto Tobón attacked Daniel Quintero and talked about what he would do if he became Mayor

Gilberto Tobon Sanin He has been the target of attacks on social networks for his statements regarding the false positives, in the program Nos Cogió La Noche, on the Cosmovisión channel, where Daniel Quintero’s supporters attacked him, then gave something to talk regarding following meeting with Álvaro Uribe, and for the mayor of Medellín to call him “Chuscalito”. He now presents himself as a candidate to aspire to the mandate of the city of Eternal Spring.

After you met with Álvaro Uribe, why do you think it is important to speak with the political opposition in Medellín and Antioquía?

“The modern world has stultified people, you can see on the subway stuck to a cell phone, and that is moving away from reality. So, in that order of ideas, this is a country with a very violent tradition, since it was founded as a republic it has been bloodied, and in the 20th century there was a practically civil war of inter-party violence between liberals and conservatives that left 300,000 dead. , fruit of intransigence. I don’t want to be a prophet of disasters but the chichantetrista who are ignorant fanatics, who believe that Petro is God. So anything you say other than that targets you for high wars.

I think that the way for there to be peace, and total peace, for this not to be another word or lie, is for the different political actors in the country to be able to speak, converse and exchange ideas regarding the country’s politics. to me the doctor Álvaro Uribe invited me to speak and I listened to him, and we talked regarding the city. There were points of contact, of course, because the city is a disaster, managed by Daniel Quintero, who only cares regarding his personal benefits”.

Your statements regarding the false positives caused quite a stir on social networks, how have you dealt with the strong criticism that has been made of you for such statements?

“They are a party of fans, who are terrified of dialogue, the fan does not think. I am a reasonable man.”

In Medellín it is easy to identify that there is a strong polarization. Why have citizens reached this point, who thinks they should be with Quintero or with Uribismo? What appeal do you make to the citizens of Medellín? What is the output?

“That hatred, that anger and that fanaticism has been promoted by Daniel Quintero, he is responsible for that, for the polarization. So the solution is to govern for all Medellinians, even the communes. Govern with the businessmen, govern with the students, and make social policy, employment, and make the city grow. We have extreme mobility and environmental problems. The Medellín Metro has serious financial problems caused by this man. You have to change the city, and give it to all Medellinians. I am 73 years old, I am leaving, I do not aspire to be president as he aspires, it will dawn and we will see ”.

You have been openly talking regarding your pre-candidate and mayoral aspiration. What are your proposals and what model of city do you imagine?

“I imagine a model city, which, being the second in the country, becomes a pilot city. I plan to improve the environment that is a mess, it is the city that has the most pollution. You have to crack down on that, and I have a team of experts studying that problem. Decontaminate the Medellín river, which is an open sewer. improve mobility, a second metro line must be built, it must be done because it is regarding to collapse. You have to settle the debts and not waste money, you have to make an austere administration. Do not turn the payroll of the municipality into a payroll that pays for political favors”.

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