The renowned television presenter Gilberto Correa, who drove for years Sensational Saturday and Miss Venezuela, requested a private audience with Nicolás Maduro.
The presenter delivered a video to the newspaper Last News. In the audiovisual material, he indicates that he recorded it this Wednesday, September 28, 2022, and that he resorts to that modality because he has tried to request an audience with Maduro by other means, but to no avail.
“He used this medium to request a private audience from the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros. And why do I do it this way? Because I have resorted to all means and it has not been possible until now. It has not been possible. Something has happened,” said the animator.
He insisted: “I resort to this medium to request a private audience, for something of mutual interest, of interest to me and to the Republic.”
He ended his message by expressing his blessings for Maduro.
#29Sep #GilbertoCorrea @jesusmedinae: The Venezuelan entertainer Gilberto Correa asked Nicolás Maduro for a private audience to discuss a matter of interest to the Republic.
– Report Now (@ReporteYa) September 29, 2022
Gilberto Correa
Gilberto Correa, 79 years old, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His health was affected in 2021 because he was infected with covid-19.
At the end of April, a stir was generated because it was known that the animator was taken to the National Service of Forensic Sciences (Senamef), in Bello Monte.
According to information published by Last News At that time, the reason that Correa had been in Senamef was a complaint made by a doctor of the animator.
According to the complaint, a picture of poisoning was detected due to the excessive application of medications, for which an investigation was initiated of a nurse who was in charge of the entertainer’s care.