Gilbert Bodart, the former goalkeeper of Standard de Liège, tried to end his life

Former Standard goalkeeper, Gilbert Bodart, was rescued by emergency services after he had just thrown himself off the Pont de l’Europe in Huy on Monday evening, reports Sudinfo. The man who was arrested for domestic violence last December is well known to the courts.

The man jumped into the water on Monday evening, around 10:20 p.m., while firefighters on site tried to dissuade him. He finally returned to the surface safely thanks to the help of firefighters.

Last December, Gilbert Bodart was brought before the investigating judge before being released on conditions, even though he had been arrested for domestic violence.

A little earlier in the day, the former Rouche had posted a worrying message on his Facebook account: “I am at the end, my last hours. I can’t take this shitty life anymore,” explaining that he was the victim of a scam. “I was robbed of 115,000 euros. I crack. » And then adding: “Thank you to justice for having my death on your conscience…”

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