Gikas Hardouvelis Assumes Presidency with Vision and Ambition

The Board of Directors of the Hellenic Banking Union unanimously elected, in its extraordinary meeting, as its new president, Mr. Gikas Hardouvelis, president of the National Bank of Greece, and as vice-president, Mr. Fokionas Karavia, managing director of Eurobank.

As mentioned in an announcement by EET, the Members of the Board of Directors and the acting General Manager of EET warmly thanked Mr. Vasilios Rapanos for his extremely fruitful term, the excellent cooperation with all the members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the General Directorate of EET, as well as for the significant time he devoted to the work of EET and the rich work produced during his tenure. They also thanked the vice-president, Mr. Pavlos Mylonas, for his also substantial contribution to the work of EET.

“The banking sector is open to modern economic needs” said G. Hardouvelis

The new president, Mr. Gikas Hardouvelis, said, among other things: “I thank the members of the Board of Directors for their trust in me. I am happy to return to the Union in the capacity of President, succeeding my dear colleague, Mr. V. Rapanos.

The banking sector today has to manage not only extremely high supervisory requirements, but also the whole evolution of economic activity, the green transition and the digital revolution. It must also be open to contemporary economic and social needs. It is with great satisfaction that I take on my new role, but also the commitment to continue the work of my predecessors”.

Source: ifimerida

#Gikas #Hardouvelis #president

Bank of Greece

Gikas Hardouvelis: The New President of the Hellenic Banking Union

In a significant development, the Board of⁣ Directors of ⁣the Hellenic Banking Union has unanimously elected Mr. Gikas Hardouvelis, the President of the National Bank of Greece, as its new president. Mr. Fokionas Karavia,​ the Managing Director of Eurobank, has been elected as the vice-president. This decision was taken in an extraordinary meeting of the Board ⁤of Directors.

A Seasoned Economist and⁢ Banker

Gikas Hardouvelis is a renowned economist and banker in Greece. Born on October 8, 1955,‍ in⁣ Poulithra, Arcadia, Greece,⁢ he has had a distinguished career in the⁣ field of economics and banking [[2]]. He⁢ has served as ​the Minister ​of Finance‌ and has been a professor of economics. He has also been involved ⁤in various academic ⁢and research activities, including giving ​speeches and presentations on economic⁢ topics [[3]].

The New Era ​for the Hellenic Banking Union

As the new president of the Hellenic Banking Union, Mr. Hardouvelis has expressed his commitment to ensuring that‍ the banking sector is open to modern⁤ economic ⁢needs. He has stated that the sector needs ⁤to adapt to the changing economic⁣ landscape and customer needs. This vision is critical for ⁣the growth and development of the Greek economy.

A​ Tribute to the ⁤Outgoing President

The​ Members of the Board of Directors ​and the acting General Manager of the Hellenic Banking Union have thanked Mr.‍ Vasilios Rapanos for his ‌fruitful term as president. They have acknowledged ​his excellent cooperation with all the‌ members⁢ of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, ⁤and the General Directorate of the ⁤Hellenic Banking Union. They have also recognized the ‍significant time he⁢ devoted to the work of⁤ the Hellenic Banking Union and the rich work produced during his tenure.

A ⁢New Chapter

The election of Mr. Hardouvelis​ as the new‌ president of the Hellenic Banking Union marks⁣ a new chapter for the organization. His experience and expertise in⁤ the field of economics and banking make him an ideal leader to take the organization forward. Under his guidance, the Hellenic⁤ Banking Union is expected to play a significant role in shaping​ the future of the Greek banking sector.


the ⁢election of ​Mr.⁢ Gikas Hardouvelis as the new ​president of the Hellenic Banking‌ Union is a significant development ⁤for the Greek banking sector. His vision ⁣for the sector ⁣and⁣ his commitment to adapting to modern economic needs make ⁣him an​ ideal‌ leader for the⁣ organization. As the Chair of the Board of Directors‍ of the National ⁢Bank of ⁤Greece since July 2021 [[1]], ‌Mr. Hardouvelis is well-positioned to lead the Hellenic Banking Union towards a ⁢brighter⁢ future.

Bank of Greece

Gikas Hardouvelis: The New President of the Hellenic Banking Union

In a significant development, the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Banking Union has unanimously elected Mr. Gikas Hardouvelis, the President of the National Bank of Greece, as its new president. Mr. Fokionas Karavia, the Managing Director of Eurobank, has been elected as the vice-president. This decision was taken in an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors.

A Seasoned Economist and Banker

Gikas Hardouvelis is a renowned economist and banker in Greece. Born on October 8, 1955, in Poulithra, Arcadia, Greece, he has had a distinguished career in the field of economics and banking [[2]]. He has served as the Minister of Finance and has been a professor of economics. He has also been involved in various academic and research activities, including giving speeches and presentations on economic topics [[3]].

The New Era for the Hellenic Banking Union

As the new president of the Hellenic Banking Union, Mr. Hardouvelis has expressed his commitment to ensuring that the banking sector is open to modern economic needs. He has stated that the sector needs to adapt to the changing economic landscape and customer needs. This vision is critical for the growth and development of the Greek economy.

A Tribute to the Outgoing President

The Members of the Board of Directors and the acting General Manager of the Hellenic Banking Union have thanked Mr. Vasilios Rapanos for his fruitful term as president. They have acknowledged his excellent cooperation with all the members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the General Directorate of the Hellenic Banking Union. They have also recognized the significant time he devoted to the work of the Hellenic Banking Union and the rich work produced during his tenure.

A New Chapter

The election of Mr. Hardouvelis as the new president of the Hellenic Banking Union marks a new chapter for the organization. His experience and expertise in the field of economics and banking make him an ideal leader to take the organization forward. Under his guidance, the Hellenic Banking Union is expected to play a significant role in



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