Gigantic fire affects a plastics company in Lampa: classes are suspended in municipal schools | National

A gigantic fire affected a plastics company in the commune of Lampa, in the Metropolitan region. Multiple units worked to contain it. So far the origin of the fire is unknown.

One fire consumes this Sunday followingnoon the wineries of a plastics company in Lampain the Metropolitan region.

According to what was reported, the fire affected the facilities of the company Plásticos Procesa Limitada, located on Calle Cacique Colin and Los Álamos.

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The emergency creates a column of smoke that is visible from different points of the Metropolitan region.

Firefighters declared a sixth fire alarm and units from various communes have come to support the containment work.

As a result of the emergency, the mayor of the Lampa commune, Jonathan Opazo Carrasco, announced that the four schools that depend directly on the municipality will not have classes. The measure adopted by the communal chief will govern at least for this Monday.

“For the benefit and for the health of our girls and boys we have to make this decision,” he said.

As reported by the presidential delegate in the province of Chacabuco, Giordano Delpin Pino, reported that neither firefighters nor injured civilians have been registered.

In addition, he explained that volunteers from 35 different fire units work in the industrial emergency, adding that the flames are contained.

However, the tasks to complete the extinction of the flames are expected to take several more hours.

Likewise, he asked the inhabitants of Batuco to take precautions:

“We recommend to the residents of Batuco who may have some basic disease that they can, please, close their windows… that they can protect themselves and if they have the possibility of sleeping another place that they can do so, because the wind is heading towards the Batuco sector,” warned the authority.

Among the difficulties that the fire trucks have had to face is the difficult access to the place.

The Metropolitan Regional Presidential Delegation reported through Twitter that “a fire alert is reported in the Cacique Colin and Los Álamos sector, Lampa. It is a fire in warehouses inside a plastics factory. Fire Department fights the emergency.

For its part, the Santiago Fire Department reported that “we are responding to provide support outside our jurisdiction at the corners of Los Álamos and Cacique Colín, in the LAMPA commune. Three fire trucks from Santiago attend.

Until now the origin of the fire is unknown, which must be clarified by the specialized Fire Department.

Fire in company in Lampa
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