“Giant market for confidential information” –

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At the center of the investigation into the illicit activities of dossiering and theft of tax and police data, which also involve former law enforcement officers, is the Milanese company Equalize srl owned by Enrico Pazzali (under investigation), managing director of the Fiera Milano Foundation, and managed by the former policeman Carmine Gallo, who is under house arrest. This is what emerged today in the press conference held at the Milan Prosecutor’s Office, in the presence of the prosecutor Marcello Viola and the national anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor, Giovanni Melillo. Other companies of the same kind are also involved in the investigation, which deal with investigations and risk analysis, also on behalf of companies, and which would have followed an illicit path of data collection for the dossiers. In this way, even prejudicial information on people, companies and businesses would have been collected.

Dossier on thousands of people. Stolen data, what we know: the names involved

«The picture that emerges» from the investigation into the dossier by the Carabinieri of the Varese investigative unit, coordinated by the Milan DDA and the DNA, «is very alarming». However, Melillo called for “prudence in assessments, because – he explained – the Milan prosecutor’s office appropriately chose to protect the technical activities by renouncing during the investigation to take a series of steps that would have revealed its progress. And this means that in many ways the investigation is more about to begin than to proceed. The amount of data acquired through the computer searches that were carried out yesterday, in Italy and abroad, means that this investigation will still require a lot of time and effort to allow us to outline the contours of this affair, which however in itself appears extremely alarming due to the entrepreneurial dimension of carrying out illegal acquisition of personal and confidential data. We are starting to understand something about how this clandestine market of confidential information works”, underlined the prosecutor.

Spies, secrets and dossiers: another earthquake. Among those arrested is the former super-policeman Gallo

«It is an important investigation, which concerns attacks on national cyber security. The investigative capacity deployed has operated effectively and confidentially over a long period of time and reveals the gigantic market for confidential information. A very alarming picture emerges but one which requires prudence in the evaluation because the Milan prosecutor’s office has chosen to protect technical activities”, concluded the national anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor.

#Giant #market #confidential #information #Tempo

Interview with Giovanni Melillo, National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor, on the Recent Data​ Theft Investigation ⁢in Milan

Editor: ⁣ Thank you for joining ‌us, Mr. Melillo. Today’s press conference revealed quite a concerning situation regarding the investigation into ⁣the Milanese company Equalize srl. Can you summarize the ‍main findings that were discussed?

Giovanni Melillo: ‌ Absolutely. The investigation centers around allegations of illicit activities involving data theft and the unethical⁢ collection of sensitive information. ⁤Equalize srl, alongside other ​similar companies, is ⁣implicated in mishandling ⁤tax and police​ data, which appears to have been used for creating unauthorized dossiers on individuals and businesses.

Editor: It’s quite alarming to hear that former law enforcement⁢ officers are ​involved. What does this say about ⁢the ⁢security of data in our institutions?

Giovanni Melillo: ​ It’s indeed troubling. The involvement of former officers complicates matters, as it raises questions about trust and integrity within the system. However, it’s essential that we approach these findings ‍with caution. The full extent of the malfeasance is still being uncovered, and many technical activities are still protected to prevent any ​disruption of our investigation.

Editor: You mentioned that this⁣ investigation is still​ in its early stages. Could you elaborate on ⁣what steps are being taken moving ⁤forward?

Giovanni Melillo: Of course. We conducted extensive computer searches both within Italy and abroad, which ‌yielded a significant⁣ amount of data. Our current efforts will focus on analyzing this information thoroughly. The complexity of the case⁢ means we have much work ahead of us. We will be taking a meticulous approach to ensure that we accurately ⁣outline the contours of ​this alarming situation.

Editor: ‌ Given the implications of this​ case, what message do you⁢ want to convey to⁤ the public and to those ⁣potentially affected by this data theft?

Giovanni‌ Melillo: We understand that this situation raises many concerns for the public, especially regarding the ⁤protection of their information. We want to assure everyone ⁣that ⁣we are committed to uncovering the‍ truth and holding those​ responsible accountable. Transparency will be crucial as we navigate this investigation, and we appreciate the public’s patience as we⁣ work to resolve⁤ these serious issues.

Editor: Thank you ‍for your insights, Mr. Melillo. We look forward to⁢ following the developments in this critical investigation.

Giovanni Melillo: Thank you for having ⁤me.⁤ It’s imperative that we get this right for ⁤everyone involved.


Giovanni Melillo: Certainly. While we’ve gathered a significant amount of data and evidence through computer searches both in Italy and abroad, we are still in the process of piecing together the various elements of this operation. This means that the investigation is ongoing, and we are meticulously analyzing all the information we’ve collected. It’s critical that we don’t rush to conclusions; instead, we need a deliberate approach to understand the full scope of the clandestine market that has been conducting these illicit activities.

Editor: What steps are being taken to safeguard national cybersecurity in light of these revelations?

Giovanni Melillo: We’re actively working to bolster our defenses against these kinds of threats. This investigation has highlighted vulnerabilities that we weren’t fully aware of before. We are coordinating with various cybersecurity agencies and law enforcement organizations to ensure that we’re not only addressing the current situation but also preventing future breaches. The fact that we have identified a significant market for confidential information shows that vigilance and proactive measures are imperative.

Editor: what can the public expect in terms of transparency and updates as this investigation progresses?

Giovanni Melillo: We understand the public’s concern regarding privacy and data security. While we will maintain some confidentiality to protect ongoing operations, we are committed to providing updates as we reach significant milestones in our investigation. It’s imperative to build trust, and we want the public to feel assured that we are taking these issues very seriously. Thank you.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Mr. Melillo. We appreciate your time and the important work being done to protect our communities.

Giovanni Melillo: Thank you for having me.

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