Giant Flea Markets in Castelnau Magnoac: Visit our Solidarity Shop for Good Deals and Support a Worthy Cause

2023-08-09 10:34:27

On the occasion of the giant flea markets organized in Castelnau Magnoac, the Solidarity Shop “Côté Cœur – Côté Fringues” will be open all day.

Do not hesitate to come and have a look at 2 route de Toulouse (below the Town Hall) to stock up on good deals (men’s/women’s/children’s clothing, shoes, linens and toys) while participating in the Revolution Catholic Relief Fraternity.

Indeed, the financial contributions from events such as the “giant chips” allow Secours Catholique to help individuals and families going through financial difficulties on the one hand, but also to set up collective actions in order to give people their power to act thanks to the active listening and the accompaniment undertaken by the volunteers.

The Castelnau Magnoac team is recruiting 2 volunteers to help it in this support mission: do not hesitate to meet the volunteers on site, to find out more or by telephone at

#Giant #fleas #CastelnauMagnoac #August #Communiqué #Secours #Catholique #Caritas #France



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