Giannakopoulou: PASOK can become the movement that Greek society loved 2024-09-19 18:21:13

The candidate for the leadership of the party said that PASOK cannot continue to send unclear messages. “The person who will be elected will decide whether PASOK will enter a phase of ascent, transforming it into a party of social democracy and the center-left, of great reforms and hope, or whether it will remain a party of vague positions, hetero-determinations, unclear orientation and physiognomy.

– The outcome of the election will determine whether we will remain reconciled to stagnation or small steps that lead nowhere, or whether we will once again become the party that can clash with K. Mitsotakis and the N.D.

– Because the result will determine whether we will once again become the great Movement that will march together and for society, that functions as an open party, as a collective political subject and not as a mechanism that is afraid even of the meeting of its organs”, he said characteristically.

She was categorically against any possibility of cooperation with SYRIZA. “The solution does not lie in the search for a coalition of forces with which we have huge differences in our programmatic discourse, politics and ideology. It is not found in abstract shapes without content, realism and perspective. The abstract, general, without any political content discussion about the Center-Left, which implies cooperation, perhaps electorally, with SYRIZA, which is disintegrating, or with the NEW LEFT, which is on the verge of political survival, blurs the message, damages PASOK and any adoption of such opinions would lead to our ideal political self-handling”, emphasized Mrs. Giannakopoulou in particular.

She invited her co-candidates to take a specific position and concluded: “PASOK did not close its historical cycle, as many had unsuccessfully prophesied.

“Because PASOK is here and is regaining its political confidence day by day, thanks to the persistence and effort of those who stayed together in the darkest hours in order to defend our historical heritage and to open with our actions the way for this new hope perspective.

Because PASOK is united thanks to us who have learned to subordinate our Ego and our personal ambitions to the democratic will of the grassroots, without leaning left or right.

Because PASOK is strong, thanks to our courage to come forward and fight the battle without guaranteed seats, positions and positions. That is why PASOK does not fit the unknown uninvited Messiahs.

PASOK belongs to its members and friends. It belongs to the Greek Society. A society that on October 6th will massively and democratically decide which PASOK will represent its interests in the next many years.

And yes, our PASOK is the one that will defeat New Democracy again and another Mr. Mitsotakis!”

Source: RES-MPE

Anna Diamantopoulou: We are growing PASOK – We are strengthening society and the country

Katrinis: I do not intend to assimilate or join decadent options that want a small and controlled PASOK

Geroulanos: If I am elected and we lose the primary in 2027, the same night I will appeal to the base

Androulakis: “PASOK is back – The message is clear”

#Giannakopoulou #PASOK #movement #Greek #society #loved



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