Gewessler demands an end to the SPÖ blockade from Doskozil

2023-06-04 10:42:37

Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) appealed to the new SPÖ leader Hans Peter Doskozil in the ORF “Press Hour” on Sunday to end the blocking of government projects that require a two-thirds majority in the National Council. As an example, she cited the Renewable Heat Act for phasing out fossil fuel heating systems. His SPÖ blockade “for party tactical reasons” is “doubly bitter”, which is a shame, especially for people with low incomes.

With regard to climate protection, Gewessler said it was the first time in Austria’s history that a 35 percent reduction in emissions could be read in the forecasts. On the own targets and those of the EU for 2030, however, would still be 10 percent missing. Until the climate plan (NEKP) 2024 is submitted, the ministry will therefore start a broad public consultation in June to discuss further measures that are necessary to close the gap.

When it came to gas supply, the minister urged concrete steps to reduce the amount of Russian gas purchased. “Because doing nothing is also a decision. Doing nothing means taking the risk of remaining dependent,” says Gewessler. One possibility would be to separate the gas business from OMV so that the republic could decide for itself where to buy the gas. It’s not just about getting natural gas from somewhere else, but also about replacing it with electricity from wind and sun. “The exit from gas is also a switch to renewables,” said Gewessler.

Gewessler left open the question of whether she could gain something from a traffic light coalition of SPÖ, Greens and NEOS, which Neo-SPÖ leader Doskozil had declared as a target, after the next election. She has always clearly ruled out a coalition with the FPÖ, but the basic rule is: first vote, then decide, Gewessler said. Her line is clear: “The coalition will be where there is most climate protection and social justice.”

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