Getting your perfect body with Spatz3

The weight of a person can have an effect on their personality. While many people feel comfortable and confident with their weight, others don’t. For many people, their idea of a perfect body is one with minimal weight. It is a matter of choice, and no body type is superior to the other. This article is for those whose goal is to go from a higher body mass to a lower one.

Why are people overweight ?

Being overweight is simply having a large body mass. From a medical perspective, being overweight is having a body mass index [BMI] higher than 25. The BMI is an important metric used to determine how much a person weighs. To calculate your BMI, health practitioners divide your weight by your height squared. The BMI classifies an individual’s weight into the underweight, average weight, and obese categories.

You cannot start a discussion regarding body weight without talking regarding food consumption. Here is how it works! The body requires calories for daily activities. There is a definite amount of calories required by the body daily. Weight gain happens when we consume more calories without burning them. In the same light, we shed weight when we don’t consume enough calories. Human beings get their calories from the food they consume. If you eat more than the list required by your body, you will gain weight. It is vital to know how your food consumption affects weight gain.

How do you reduce your weight ?

Weight loss and gain depend on how many calories you consume or burn. To lose weight, you need to reduce calorie intake or burn them. The following methods will help you reduce your body mass: 


Dieting helps you to lose weight by controlling your calorie intake. If you consume 7 KG of food daily, consuming less than that amount will help you to lose weight. Dieting requires a lot of discipline and sincerity.


Physical exercise helps you reduce weight by burning excess calories. Exercises like running, skipping, weightlifting, and many others can help you.

Bariatric surgery

Surgeries are alternatives for people who cannot exercise and control their diet. Surgeries like gastric bypass control food intake by reducing the volume of the stomach.


This is a non-surgical procedure where stomach size is decreased to control food consumption.

Losing weight with a gastric balloon

A gastric balloon is an inflatable object inserted into the stomach via an endoscopic process to control food intake. With the side effects associated with surgery, this might just be the best option for you.

The Spatz3 Gastric Balloon was created to meet weight loss demands. It has unmatched success rates and is adjustable. For best performance, it can be inflated or deflated.

Dieting and exercising are weight loss solutions that require too much commitment and discipline. Many do not also consider surgery an option because of the long healing process and side effects. For this reason, Spartz medical created the only adjustable gastric balloon in the world. This product has proven to be the best solution to being overweight.



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