Get treatment when you don’t speak the local language

2024-08-14 10:00:03

If communication between caregivers and patients must be fluid for good care, what happens when both parties don’t speak the same language? How is the diagnosis made and explained? The hospital found a solution: using interpreters to treat non-French-speaking patients. Since 2016, this form of interpreting has become professionalised. Therefore, professional medical interpreters are trained in France. (replay)

How is this service organized? How do interpreters find their place in counseling involving intimate relationships? In a stressful hospital environment where caregivers have less and less time, how can we optimize these communications?

After the broadcast, we found the sports section Dr. Jean-Marc Seinesports physician and author Movement: I’m about to start, Published by News

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music program :

Buddy foot Freddy Masamba18:55

Yeman foot Al GuerreroI dream about you.

#treatment #dont #speak #local #language



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