Get to know the features of BNC APP 2024!

Get to know the features of BNC APP 2024! The Banco Nacional de Crédito (BNC) application has been updated to offer users more features in 2024.

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Get to know the features of BNC APP 2024!

Banco Nacional de Crédito (BNC), promoting innovation and offering improvements in the user experience, optimizes its financial solutions by incorporating other functionalities to BNC APP.

The new update adapts to the needs of Digital Banking, making its operations easier and safer.

New BNC APP features

The features that customers will be able to enjoy are the following:

  • 1.Share your Mobile Payment data: It is now possible to send the client’s own data, so that Mobile Payments can be made, from the Direct Operations option on the App’s home screen.
  • 2.Currency Calculator: When you need to make a transaction, you can obtain the amount in Bolivars, Dollars or Euros, accurately and quickly, at the official BCV rate, without leaving the platform.
  • 3.Copy data for Mobile Payment: When making a payment, the beneficiary’s data can be copied and pasted without any errors to successfully complete the operation.
  • 4.Notifications: allows you to view all transactions made and other messages from the main screen.

Update or download BNC APP on Google Play for Android or App Store for iOS. For more information you can visit the website

The Bank strengthens its vision oriented towards transformation, cutting-edge technology and development, promoting self-management and agility in operations.

Get to know the features of BNC APP 2024!

#features #BNC #APP
2024-07-22 00:58:56



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