Get to know Jupiter, the planet with the most moons.

Jupiter or Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky following the Sun, Moon and Venus.

Jupiter has been known since prehistoric times. Jupiter was first observed by Pioneer 10 in 1973, followed by Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Ulysses and Galileo.

For Jupiter is 778 million kilometers away from the sun on average is enormous. Compared to the diameter, 11 times larger than the Earth, 317 times heavier than the Earth, and if the Earth is filled with Jupiter It takes regarding 1,400 worlds at once, but most of the body is gas. Unlike Earth which is a rocky planet This makes Jupiter less dense compared to Earth.

Jupiter, the largest gas planet in the solar system.

Jupiter can be seen with the naked eye as a bright yellow for thousands of years. In the era of telescope invention Galileo was the first who initiated the use of a small telescope to observe Jupiter in 1610 and found that Jupiter has 4 satellites, namely Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, seen as a bright spot as small as the tip of a pin in telescope People popularly called collectively that Galilean moons or Galilean satellites because they were discovered by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei. Be the first to discover these moons in 1610 (and the first proof that the Earth is not the center of the universe) until another 385 years later, human beings can send Galileo spacecraft Exploration around Jupiter and close to 4 large satellite stars during 1995 – 2003

Jupiter is the largest gas planet in the solar system. dense atmosphere No hard surface to step on because it is almost all gas It is primarily composed of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with small amounts of methane, water and ammonia. Deep below is the outer mantle of liquid hydrogen and helium. and the inner mantle containing hydrogen, which has metallic properties. The rocky core is twice the size of Earth.

Jupiter is much larger than Earth. But one complete rotation takes less than 10 hours. And cause the circulation of the atmosphere is divided into bands of alternating colors. These bands are convection cells. Light bands are hot air. Dark bars are cold air sinking. There was also a big red spot. It is a large oval with an area 25,000 kilometers wide, capable of containing two Earths. The Great Red Spot is a cyclone that is over 300 years old.

Later in the year 2009, Voyager found that Like Saturn, Jupiter has rings. But it is much smaller and thinner. These rings are composed of small debris and dust. There is no ice in the composition. therefore making the ring not very bright (Rocks and dust reflect sunlight as poorly as ice). Jupiter has at least 62 moons, but only four of them are large and spherical: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

Jupiter is the planet with 92 moons, the most in the solar system.

Latest on January 31, 2023 Minor Planet Center, abbreviated as MPC or Minor Planet Center. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is responsible for collecting data on asteroids and smaller objects in the entire solar system. Revealed the discovery of 12 more moons of Jupiter, bringing Jupiter’s moons to a total of 92, surpassing Saturn’s 83 moons, making it the planet with the most moons in the solar system. back once more

Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system. When the astronomical technology developed more Telescopes used to study celestial objects have become more efficient. Causing astronomers to find many smaller moons around Jupiter. The discovery was led by Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institute for Science in the United States, one of the largest astronomers to discover small objects in the solar system. 12 additional small moons of Jupiter discovered

The new discovery brings Jupiter’s total moons to 92, overtaking Saturn’s 83, and regaining its position as the planet with the highest number of moons in the solar system.

However, 9 of the 12 moons discovered this time In the orbit of the farthest of all the moons. It has an orbital period of more than 550 days with Jupiter having a retrograde orbital direction, which is opposite to Jupiter’s rotation. and the opposite of the main moons Astronomers expect that these moons It might be caused by a small object in space. that was attracted by the enormous gravity of Jupiter to become a satellite Most of them are objects no more than 8 kilometers wide.

The other 3 moons discovered this time. They are slightly further orbits from the Galilean moons. It has a prograde orbital direction, or the same direction as Jupiter’s rotation. These moons are thought to have formed all at once, and are rarer to find. Because it has an orbit close to Jupiter. The bright light from Jupiter will be scattered, completely obscuring the light of these tiny objects. Most of the small satellites are found at a considerable distance from Jupiter.

The discovery of 12 new Jupiter moons was first reported in 2018 by astronomer Scott Shepherd of the Carnegie Institute of Science in the United States. The discovery of 12 new moons of Jupiter has just confirmed at the end of last year that all 12 moons orbit Jupiter.

4 major moons of Jupiter

1. Europa

Europa, the ice moon Star duck with smooth surface Covered with ice that broke into large pieces. It flows one following the other, like a raft of ice on Earth. There are no mountains, ravines or volcanoes, and there are very few craters. Shows that Europa is young. Probably only regarding 30 million years old, Galileo found that Beneath the icy crust is a liquid ocean. may be the only member of the solar system besides our world knowing that there is liquid water clearly

So Europa has become a prime target in the search for extraterrestrial life beyond Mars. Because beneath the thick ice surface is a salt water ocean. with conditions conducive to the life of living beings It was also found that water in this ocean has penetrated up to the surface of the crust, but Europa orbits very close to Jupiter. therefore having to deal with scraps and debris floating in space and the intense electron radiation emanating from Jupiter.

2. Callisto

Callisto, the oldest moon in the solar system It has an ancient surface, over 4,000 million years old, full of small and large craters throughout the moon. due to being hit by planetary fragments in the past Evidence of the latest fatal collision appeared as ripples spread across the surface. no flat area The presence of craters throughout the moon indicates that Callisto has been dormant for a long time. and has a very sparse atmosphere

Callisto’s attraction is its fine, dark, powdery surface, where carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds are detected. These elements are abundant in meteorites and comets as their original members. of the solar system and is an important component of living things and has a magnetic field Including signs that there may be a deep ocean beneath the earth, like Europa.

3. Ganymede

Ganymede, the magnetic moon It is the largest satellite in the solar system and has a high magnetic field and many textures. It shows complex geological changes in the crust over a long period of time. There are 2 important characteristics. The old area is a dark area. Full of craters, rough, deep basins with new areas. It is a flatter, brighter area, with ice mixed with rocky soil. Some of them have long fissure surfaces.

4. Io

Io (Io) volcanic moon It has an orange-red surface. Filled with white spots of volcanoes and the remains of Exploding all around No craters were found, indicating that The surface is new and young. Many volcanoes are seen erupting. eruption The sulfur genus comes out of the crater. It is lava more than 300 kilometers above the surface and flows over the surface. It shows that the center of the moon is so high that the rock melts. It is a land of volcanoes. The strongest in the solar system

Searched and edited Sitthichot Supawan

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