“Get Prepared for the Santiago Marathon 2023: Traffic Diversions and Tips for Safe and Smooth Transportation on Mother’s Day”

2023-05-13 20:52:03

This Sunday will take place, along with the celebration of Mother’s Day, the Santiago Marathon 2023which will contemplate the intervention of 980 crossings in the Metropolitan region and 1,100 police officers will be deployed.

From Carabineros they recognized that tomorrow will not be easy and that congestion will be generated, for which they called on people to plan their trips, use public transport, but above all to be tolerant.

Colonel Emilio Teixidor, prefect of Carabineros Traffic and Highways, reported that the Detours will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will last until approximately 2:00 p.m.

“Tomorrow the Santiago Marathon will take place, a test that will bring together approximately 30,000 participants and because of this, the police are going to be deployed very early in the morning, with all our means, to provide security for both the people who are going to participate in this sporting event, as well as the people who are going to do their daily lives in the Metropolitan region”indicated.

In the same way, he recommended that the participants of the sporting event take the Metro to the ellipse of Parque O’Higgins because there will be no parking spaces in the sector. In that context it is Lines 1 and 2 will be operational from 6:00 a.m.

For the development of the Marathon, more than 980 crossings will be intervened in the Metropolitan region. This in the following communes: Santiago, Providencia, Las Condes, Vitacura, Peñalolén and La Reina.

Calling on the population to opt for the Metro, the prefect added that if it is necessary to leave by vehicle, the recommendation is to prefer the highways for road intervention.

Detours available in Waze

To facilitate the information to the population, in coordination with the Traffic Control Operational Unit, it was arranged that the detours be uploaded to the Waze application. With this they seek to avoid the generation of congestion.

The prefect recognized that Sunday will be a complex day in terms of roads: “Traditionally, Mother’s Day is a day in which there is greater mobility, therefore, if we add the traffic diversions that there will be due to the Santiago Marathon, it will not be an easy day in the Metropolitan region”, he stated and called on the drivers to be tolerant.

Check out the diversions below:

Rondizzoni will be closed between Av. Beauchef and Viel.

Av. Viel will be closed between Av. Rondizzoni and Blanco Encalada.

Tupper will be closed between Av. Beauchef and Av. Matta.

Av. Viel to the north will be closed between Ñuble and Av. Matta.

Matta to the east will be closed between Av. Viel and Vicuña Mackenna.

Only two tracks from Av. Grecia to the east will be closed between Vicuña Mackenna and Campo de Deportes.

Only two tracks of Campo de Deportes to the north will be closed between Av. Grecia and Av. Irarrázaval.

Antonio Varas will be closed between Av. Irarrázaval and Pocuro.

Francisco de Bilbao to the east will be closed between Av. Antonio Varas and Av. Los Leones.

Los Leones al sur will be closed between Fco Bilbao and Pedro Lautaro Ferrer.

Chile-Spain to the south will be closed between Pedro Lautaro Ferrer and Av. Irarrázaval.

Two lanes from Av. José Pedro Alessandri to the south will be closed between Av. Irarrázaval and Rodrigo de Araya.

Rodrigo de Araya to the west will be closed between José Pedro Alessandri and Rodrigo de Araya roundregarding.

Mayor Jorge Monckeberg to the north will be closed between Rotonda Rodrigo de Araya and Av. Grecia.

Grecia to the east will be closed between Jorge Monckeberg and Grecia roundregarding.

A. Vespucio local road will be closed to the north and south between Av. Grecia and Los Orientales roundregarding.

Only two lanes on Av. Ossa to the north will be closed between Los Orientales and Av. Irarrázaval.

Only the bus lane of Av. Ossa to the north will be closed between Av. Irarrázaval and Francisco Bilbao.

Only the A. Vespucio bus track to the north will be closed between Francisco Bilbao and Francisco de Aguirre

Only one track in Francisco de Aguirre to the east will be closed between A. Vespucio and Luis Carrera

Only one track on Luis Carrera to the north will be closed between Fco de Aguirre and José María Escrivá de Balaguer.

San José María Escriba de Balaguer will be closed to the west between Luis Carrera and Isabel Montt.

Isabel Montt to the south will be closed between San José María Escribá de Balaguer and Av. Bicentenario.

Av. Bicentenario will be closed to the south between Isabel Montt and Puente Perez Zujovic.

Only two lanes of Av. Vitacura-Av. Andrés Bello to the west will be closed between Pte Pérez Zujovic and Huelén street.

Calle Huelén to the south will be closed between Av. André Bello and Av. Providencia.

Three lanes from Av. Providencia to the west will be closed between Huelén and Av. Vicuña Mackenna.

Only two lanes from Alameda to the west will be closed between Av. Vicuña Mackenna and Almirante Latorre.

Almirante Latorre will be closed between Alameda and Blanco Encalada.

Only two lanes of Av. Pocuro will be closed between Av. Antonio and Av. Los Leones.

Los Leones to the south will be closed between Av. Pocuro and Eliodoro Yáñez.

Three lanes of Av. Eliodoro Yáñez will be closed between Av. Los Leones and Av. Providencia.

#crossings #intervened #Carabineros #deploy #troops

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