Geroldswil indoor swimming pool: Extraordinary municipal assembly approves loans

Clear yes to indoor pool roof renovation – Mayor says: “Tax rate will not increase because of this”

A sixth of all Geroldswil voters attended a memorable Landsgemeinde. Despite critical voices, they approved the two loans totaling almost 1.7 million francs for the renovation of the indoor swimming pool roof.

Mayor Michael Deplazes (independent) was able to welcome a proud 456 voters to the Geroldswil Landsgemeinde.

Photo: Andrea Zahler

Hasn’t the European Football Championship been history for over a month now? Anyone who didn’t know that the extraordinary community meeting in the form of a Landsgemeinde took place on Monday evening on the Geroldswil village square could have imagined that they were at a public viewing because of the large LED screen and the many hundreds of people in attendance. But this was not about the most beautiful thing in the world, but about something much more important for the people of Geroldswil: namely the future of their indoor swimming pool.



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